Does it matter to the filter if it is fresh or salt?


Active Member
Not sure as to what you mean. Most filters you can use for fresh or salt(HOB power filters, canisters, sumps). If you plan on live rock, that helps with filtration too.


Active Member
Ok, I just wanted to know if it matters if is salt or fresh as far as filters go. I am planning on a powerfilter in my 55g, so I was just wondering.


Active Member
Nope, there is no such thing as a filter made for freshwater or saltwater. It does not matter. Just get a good brand of filter, such as Marineland.


Active Member
just dont get a used FW filter expecting it to be ready to go for SW - the bacteria is going to be very different.


Active Member
Ok, I will be getting it new, but will a Berlin Air 60 Skimmer be ok in a 55g reef tank? Is it a good skimmer?


I use a BERMUDA on my 55gal, a bit pricey but you get what you pay for in the long run and when it comes to the skimmers I have heard it is almost the most important part of your filtration.


New Member
I have the berlin airlift 60 on my 30 gallon FOWLR and it works great. I have to empty it every couple days.


Active Member
Originally Posted by saltn00b
i have not heard great things about berlin. look into Aqua-C brand for that size tank.
There are a lot of good brands available; we SWF people are a demanding group!! Aqua-C was recommended to me on this site. I bought a HOT model. Now have 2 more in-sump models. I love them.