Does Live Rock carry Ich


New Member
So I got 6 new Green Chromis from FFexpress on Friday. I put them in a QT because of reading this forum. They have been panting at the bottom of the tank, swimming in circles, and jerking back and forth, and one of them died this morning. Actually three look relatively OK, but 2 more look pretty bad. We think we see white spots, and are assuming ich, but maybe they got cyanided on the reef.
So anyway, I have LR in my QT that I need to move before doing a HypoSalinity. Would it be OK to put the LR in my main tank at this point, or should it be considered contaminated?


Have you treated yout QT tank with any meds? If copper than no. ICK is almost on anything. It is dormant. If you leave the LR in your QT for a while without a host the ick should die off making the chances better that you wont transfer it to your showtank. IMO:)


New Member
Thanks for your thoughts. I have not treated the QT with anything. Just planning to do a hypo, water changes, and fresh water dips for the chromis. I guess I'll need a separate tank for the LR for a few weeks during the hypo. Then like you said I can put it back in after the process and the ich will die off without a host.
Any idea how much light, heat, water movement LR needs to at least stay alive? This rock is only a few months old, so there is not alot growing on it yet.


For the short time youll have you LR in the other tank lighting should not be a problem. Heat keep it at normal range, salinity 1.022 and water movement does not have to be extrem. Just something to agitate it with.