Does Loud Music Irritate Fish?


I have my fish tank in my room where i sometimes play loud music and play guitar......does that bother the fish if its too loud?


ive noticed that vibrations bother inverts like starfish and snails, so i would say it is possible because of vibration and sound waves.


Active Member
Depends on whether or not they like the type of music you are into. If you like rock and they are country... they're going to protest.
But they startle with noise/vibration, I'm sure they don't like the vibes of too loud music.


Active Member
LOL, this was probably my first question when I find online fish forums

I asked the question and was basically told to just live my life. As good of sound carrier as water is (you can hear a boat hundreds of yards away underwater or someone yelling at the other end of the pool clear as day underwater), it's just as good of sound insulator. Have you ever heard someone yelling at you, then you've gone underwater to complete silence? As long as aren't speakers in the tanks or resting on the tank, you're good to go.
Just think of how many tanks across the country are in bars/nightclubs with loud music? While I'm sure there's probably some light irritation to the fish, out in the ocean with the waves crashing on the rocks, it's not exactly silent there either....


Active Member
vibrations hmm, wouldn't that be easier than taking a powerhead on. Most ocean aminals need water movement anyways. I had a freshwater 55 gallon when I was growing up with 2 3 foot tall subs home theater system on both sides of the tank and they never seemed worried about it. Fish hide when they are scared so if they hide when you turn on the music i would turn it down stress causes disease, over time though fish get use to just about anything.


My ex husband used to have band practice in the living room. It never seemed to bother anything. I think they get used to it honestly.


You'll know it's to loud when your rocks/corals start to fall *lol*
I'd think as long as nothings touching the tank to vibrate it, it should be ok.


Active Member
dude I have a drum set sitting about 5ft away from my tank. And my brother has a full stack for his guitar. Trust me it bothers the nieghborhood alot more than my tank. I think at first it will scare them but evrything will adapt to there enviroment.


I've always wondered this question...but I always wonder about transporting them home and the music in my car. I always wonder if it's too loud for the lil critter in the bag, lol!