Does my Brain look ok?


I may be mistaken, but isn't that just a red Candy Cane coral? I have a green one that looks EXACTLY like that. Even at night. It closes up and puts out it's feeding tenticals
Originally Posted by Coolguy818
I think we have it confused. Here is the daytime pic:

Here is a pic from SWF


I bought it as a Red Brain Coral from a respected and knowledgable LFS owner. I paid $70 for it.................. tooooo much


Yes. Put the brain in the sand. My brain moved (I am convinced) twice from the rock to the sand. The first time I found it in the sand I put it back on the rock and the next day it was snuggled in the sand again. So, I left it in the sand and it is looking awesome!


Active Member
be careful with putting brains in the sand. if you have sand shifting / sifting creatures like gobies, they can build mounds of sand on top of it, and the flesh will die very quickly.
my first thought was that it was a candy cane / trumpet species as well. it even seems to be branching and splitting, which brains dont do. closing up and putting out feeder tentacles is normal operations at night. looks healthy whatever it is, and will continue to look better as it gets accustomed to your tank.