Does my Condi look healthy


hi you guys said with my lighting my condi would die but it's still eating and seems to be thriving,do you think it looks healthy?


Make sure you feed the little bugger. NIce meaty foods. Our anemones like krill, but find out what condi's like. I found liquid invert food wasn't enough, like we were first told.


Active Member
that anenome looks fine to me. I had one that was the same color and it tripled in size in a matter of months under T5 lighting. Condis do not require as intensive lighting as some other anenomes. I have also never seen one that is brown/beige in color, either a lfs or a personal tank, so I don't know where that info came from. also, like someone else said, make sure you're feeding it once or twice a week.


Active Member
I agree, it does look bleached out. With the VHO lighting and an increased feeding though, it should be fine. Here is a picture of what they typically look like, healthy:



Originally Posted by lion_crazz
I agree, it does look bleached out. With the VHO lighting and an increased feeding though, it should be fine. Here is a picture of what they typically look like, healthy:

Go with Lion in Philly!! (That's where I hail from abouts too!)
No anemone should be white. They are bleached from stress or bad conditions. But with proper care, your condi will regain coloring and grow. Trust me, our Sabae anemone did. A woman who used to work at our LFS said to never buy a white anemone, as they are stressed.


Active Member
The anemone is bleached. The lighting will help tremendously, but you must continue to feed him or he will die. He is big and full like that because he's trying to get more light. Get the VHO hooked up and continue to feed until he looks dirty. As was said, no anemone should be white.


Originally Posted by fumanchu88
he take little pieces of krill once to twice a day he a real good eater

You should only have to feed him once or twice a week, not daily. The rest of their nutrition comes from light and floaties in the water.


Originally Posted by rabbit_72
You should only have to feed him once or twice a week, not daily. The rest of their nutrition comes from light and floaties in the water.
so I can over feed it?


My condi is bleached also. He eats like a pig, silversides and krill. I have VHO lighting which is giving me 3 watts per gallon. Is this enough? What do you suggest?


Active Member
Watts per gallon means nothing; if you have VHO bulbs that fit the length of the tank, and the anemone is not like 3' down, it should be fine.
You'll want to feed the anemone daily until he can start feeding off of light again. If he is bleached, he won't be able to feed off of the waste products of the xoanthellae (sp is atrocious) in his body.


Originally Posted by Farslayer
Watts per gallon means nothing; if you have VHO bulbs that fit the length of the tank, and the anemone is not like 3' down, it should be fine.
You'll want to feed the anemone daily until he can start feeding off of light again. If he is bleached, he won't be able to feed off of the waste products of the xoanthellae (sp is atrocious) in his body.

Interesting.... so, like, oops, cuz we only fed the anemones 3 times a week at first. But no crying here. You can see pics of our anemones in the photography forum. Oldest one is no longer bleached and newer one is on it's way to tan. Whew!
Also, I don't think I have seen too many anemones at the LFS's that aren't bleached. With a lot of love, though, they can be saved. Be patient...boy, oh, boy, this hobby takes a lot of patience!


None of my anenomes have survived and they are probably about 3 feet down. Should I move them up higher and closer to the lights?