Does my fish have ich?


New Member
I received a Queen Trigger from an online store on Tuesday. After acclimating him for 2 hours, I added him to the tank. Once the fish was used to the tank, and came out from the LR, I noticed he was pretty dark and had some white spots on him.
They have yet to still go away, so today I gave him a freshwater dip for 7 minutes. I added 3 drops of a product called Quick Cure that my LFS recommended.
I thought the freshwater dip would get rid of the white spots, but they still havent gone away. I called the place where I got the fish from, and they said triggers can get spots on them when under stress, and should go away in a week.
Here is a picture of the fish
Can anyone tell me if that is ich? Fish has been eating and swimming around. Doesn't look like anything is bothering him.


I would say that was ich. Even with ich, (atleast in the early stages) fish will swim and act normal entirely.
I would keep on treating it too. I hope you know that if you thought that a freshwater dip would get rid of ich, you are wrong. Ich is notorious for being a FRESH and SALTWATER parasite.


There are two kinds of ich Cryptocaryon irritans which is saltwater ich and Ichthyophthirius multifiliis which is FW ich. Neither can live in the other's environment. FW dips only help with the ich on the fish itself, not the ich still breedig in the tank. You will need to move all fish in that tank to a seperate qt tank to treat them. You may be able to treat in the display. How much LR,LS, inverts do you have?


New Member
That sux, I dont have a qt tank. The other fish I have in the tank are 2 Clowns, and a Yellow tail damsel.
There arent any ich on the other fish, the Trigger has been in the tank for 2 days.
My tank is a FOWLR 55, I got 50 lbs of LR, and about a 2"-3" sand bed.
What should i do?


Originally Posted by Crosby87
That sux, I dont have a qt tank. The other fish I have in the tank are 2 Clowns, and a Yellow tail damsel.
There arent any ich on the other fish, the Trigger has been in the tank for 2 days.
My tank is a FOWLR 55, I got 50 lbs of LR, and about a 2"-3" sand bed.
What should i do?

Is your sand live sand, aragonite sand, or "live" in bacteria? Do you have critters in your sand?


New Member
I have aragonite sand, my tank has been up and running for about 2 years. The only critters I have in the tank are some hermit crabs, and a couple of snails.
Also, I didn't purchase any live sand when I started the tank.


Originally Posted by Crosby87
I have aragonite sand, my tank has been up and running for about 2 years. The only critters I have in the tank are some hermit crabs, and a couple of snails.
Also, I didn't purchase any live sand when I started the tank.
Ah, then your treatment is easy. Go to the dollar store and pick up a good sized plastic tub. Place your inverts and rock into it. Add a powerhead and, if need be, a heater. Hypo the display. You will need a refractometer if you don't have one already. They cost $39.99 on this site and come pre-calibrated. Use display water for the tub. You can replace the removed water with fresh over a 48hr time period. Be sure to add the freshwater slowly and check the PH before it goes into the display.


New Member
Sepulatian, thanks for your insight. Won't it be easier to treat the Trigger in a seperate tank, I have read the parasites detach from the fish around 72 hours, it has been in the tank for about 2 days, and none of the other fish have been infected.
What would it take to set up a 10 gal QT tank for the trigger, or would treating the display tank be the better route?


Originally Posted by Crosby87
Sepulatian, thanks for your insight. Won't it be easier to treat the Trigger in a seperate tank, I have read the parasites detach from the fish around 72 hours, it has been in the tank for about 2 days, and none of the other fish have been infected.
What would it take to set up a 10 gal QT tank for the trigger, or would treating the display tank be the better route?
Nope, ich has a specific life cycle, but not all of the parasites are in the same stage of life. Ich has been in your display, now all fish have been exposed. They ALL need to be treated.


New Member
OK, so move all of the hermits, snails, and LR into the tub. I have a powerhead, but dont have a refractometer, and really dont know what they are used for.
Can you also tell me what you mean by "hypo the display"?


Originally Posted by Crosby87
OK, so move all of the hermits, snails, and LR into the tub. I have a powerhead, but dont have a refractometer, and really dont know what they are used for.
Can you also tell me what you mean by "hypo the display"?
Refractometers are sold on this site for $39.99 , they come pre-calibrated. It is the best deal for a refractometer. A refractometer is used to measure salinity/sg. What are you using now? Swing arm hydrometers are no where near accurate. Have you read the info on hyposalinity? It is the process of lowering the sg to 1.009 and keeping it there. Parasites such as ich cannot host and reproduce at that sg level. They die without a host. Here is the link. Scroll down to hyposalinity. This link is at the top of the Disease and Treatment forum, the 1st link there; Titled Common Treatments.