Here is the recap from the presentation. I got it straight from the presenter..
whenever you have hardened salt mix you have usually abiotically precipitated out CaCO3, MgCO3, and/or SrCo3. when something bonds, diluting it with water doesnt free it up... it just makes a diluted compound. anyway.. since these are bound, they are not freely available for use by your tank inhabs rendering that new water useless... well, not useless... i guess you could cure rock with it, etc... but one of the main functions of a water change besides exporting waste is to replenish elements... and these elements wouldnt be freely available if bound together.
this is why you shouldnt dump salt in a bucket and then add water.... there isnt enough vigorous addition of water to keep the bonds from happening and the elements precip. and vice-versa... dumping a lot of salt into a container of water is too fast and will cause precipitation too. most often this is seen in chalked walls of the mixing vessel.