Does Salt Go Bad?


I have some salt that has clumped up from moisture, I did not think it could go bad but this weekend I tried to make up a water change. I did the following. Drew 8 gallons of water out of my ro-di system. put in pump and heater on Saturday returned Sunday added salt. The water stayed cloudy let it sit overnight this morning it is still cloudy. Whats up I have never had this happen before.


Active Member
I've used salt that has clumped before and it has been fine. But, if it is still cloudy, I would dump it. Or at the very least, test it for everything you can.


Active Member
what kind of salt is it? Check the water paramaters with the salt in it. If it has a high alk and low calcium throw it out.

bang guy

If the salt has absorbed so much water that it clumps then it ruined IMO. The Calcium, Magnesium, Carbonate and many other element will have reacted and you're just left with Sodium chloride and a whole bunch of solid particles that won't dissolve.