Does Saltwater Spoil??


i mix a 5 gallon bucket of saltwater to top off my sump,but the sump water hasnt evaporated much this week.. so ive had this bucket of saltwater sitting for about 5 days with the bucket lid on it .. i dont have any pumps or airstones in it... didnt think i would need them because no animals in water. So what do you think?


Active Member
your not suppose to top off with saltwater, you top off with just fresh water.
do you have a powerhead in the bucket of water??? opps I guess I should have read more. not sure if no powerhead??


Originally Posted by TeresaQ
your not suppose to top off with saltwater, you top off with just fresh water.
do you have a powerhead in the bucket of water??? opps I guess I should have read more. not sure if no powerhead??
thats why im asking, i normally do top off with fresh but i had an issue with my pt skimmer pumping out more than usuall and i kept topping off with fresh and i actually was lowering my salinity
so .... ive been adding it back slowly ''' so does anyone know if saltwater spoils??

small triggers

Active Member
yes if it does not have aeration it will spoil, usually about 3 days is the most if can go without being aerated and still be okay. I havent figured out how some companys package natural seawater though(?) but i wouldnt chance it.


Originally Posted by small triggers
yes if it does not have aeration it will spoil, usually about 3 days is the most if can go without being aerated and still be okay. I havent figured out how some companys package natural seawater though(?) but i wouldnt chance it.
Cool, thanks for the info, i will dump it out.


Active Member
Originally Posted by small triggers
yes if it does not have aeration it will spoil, usually about 3 days is the most if can go without being aerated and still be okay. I havent figured out how some companys package natural seawater though(?) but i wouldnt chance it.
Vacuum seal

Same thing as any food product. Open a jar of tomato sauce and let it sit on the counter. Bad after a day or two. Fine in a jar for weeks.


I wouldnt throw it out. I would just just give it a stir are shake it. It should last about a week. I have been doing this with my water for a few years and no problems.
If it goes bad then explain why people have barrels of premixed stuff in their basements and garages for water changes. I find everyones thoughts in the hobby quite funny. Some say you HAVE to do it this way others say that is a crazy way of doing something.


Active Member
I don't have a reef but I keep a garbage can of saltwater in my basement and only aerate it every 2 weeks or so for a day or 2 before doing water changes. I do keep a cover on it. If someone has some proof that the water 'goes bad' I'd like to see it.


Salt water does not go bad.... If it sits more than a week it should be air rated for an hour or two before you use it. I always keep aleast 30 gallons of salt water on hand stored in 5 gallon plastic gas jugs, and have never had any issues.

don trinko

I have storage tanks for both fresh and salt water. The fresh water storage depelopes a slime if I don't use it in abought 2 weeks.
My salt water storage has set around for abought a month and I can find no slime or oder. I have used it for water changes and the fish,crabs,shrimp and snails show no ill effect. Don T.


Originally Posted by Don Trinko
I have storage tanks for both fresh and salt water. The fresh water storage depelopes a slime if I don't use it in abought 2 weeks.
My salt water storage has set around for abought a month and I can find no slime or oder. I have used it for water changes and the fish,crabs,shrimp and snails show no ill effect. Don T.
I don't think it spolis.
I have 2 55 gal plastic barrels to store water. I usually have the RO/DI one full unless I am making SW and the SW one I make a whole one and I use it until it is gone adding RO water to keep the salinity in check. I have never had any problems.


Active Member
Of course it doesn't spoil, assuming there is surface agitation with a PH or (gak!) an airstone.. Why wouldn't tank water spoil even faster?