does the flow look right here/sorry about the similar thread


hey Tobin, search for my post in Fish Photographs forum under "Here is my baby".
I have 2 p.h. that blow vertically and head-on.
I have great success with that flow pattern.
I think you should lower your p.h. and let them blow up instead of down.


Active Member
i agree, you want the water surface to be agitated by your power heads. if you face them downwards your sand will constantly be blown all over the place.


Active Member
Originally Posted by seasalt101
no coraline just those hard white spots/coraline i think...tobin
unless your coralline died immediately after forming, its not coralline. Most likely either air bubbles, dried salt outside the tank, or hydroid jellyfish shells.
also, take the air hose off the powerhead in the second picture.


Active Member
they definately are not air bubbles, they are hard to clean off they are inside the tank, what are hydroid jellyfish? thanks...tobin