Does this ist of fish for my 30 ga sound good?


I'm setting up a 30 gallon reef tank. I have come up with a list of fish: either 1 lawnmower blenny or 1 midas blenny(or both), 2 true percula clownfish, and 1 orangeback basslet. Is that too many fish? If I am able to keep more, do you guys have any suggestions? I will have shrimp in the tank. Is the tank too small too keep anthias?


Active Member
Do the midas, LMBs get big. Then your list will be perfect. WAY too small for anthias.


Active Member
I have 30 gallon reef (only mushrooms, zoo's and a christmas tree coral thus far. hardly crowded with coral) with one lawnmower blenny, one false percula, one 4 stripped damsel, one fire shrimp, one small emarald crab and one small hermit crab. water quality thus far has been easy to maintain. I've had the LM blenny for about a yr.


So, 1 midas blenny, 2 true percua clownfish, 2 purple firefish, 1 orangeback basslet, and 1-2 clown gobies isn't too much?


I think you should defiantly get the blenny. I also like the purple firefish, but it's up to you.


Do Purple Firefish prefer to be kept in pairs, or as the only representative of their species in their tank? If they are kept in pairs, will they fight?


How about 1 midas blenny, 2 true percula clownfish, 1 yellow watchman goby, 1 orangeback basslet? If I also got a clown goby or 2, would they really have any affect on the tank at all?


Are orangeback basslets active, and move around a lot? So far, besiade the clownfish, I don't have any active fish. I re-edited my list: 2 true percula clownfish, 1 yellow watchman goby, 1 orangeback basslet, 1 midas blenny(no firefish). If orangeback basslets aren't active, can you give me ideas of colorful, active fish, that are peaceful, and reef safe?


I think you need to add the purple firefish back to your list. i mean you dont NEED to but they are really fun, personable, active, colorful, reef safe, hardy, and get along with most other fish. They can be kept single or in pairs and they wont fight cause they are a schooling fish. Some people say they are jumpers, but I've never had a problem.
Ok so I'm a little bias



I used to have 2 normal firesfish, and one of them picked on the other. I got the mean one first, and then the one that got picked on later. Is the reason that the new one got picked on because, the first one had taken the tank as his territory? If I got 2 at the same time, would they be ok? Do clownfish care if they are kept alone or as a pair? Will orangeback basslets attack any other inhabitants?


1 midas blenny, 1 yellow watchman goby, 1 true percula cown, and 1 orangeback basslet. Can you guys post pictures of your midas blennies and orangeback basslets? I want to see what they look like in the tank. What are easier to keep, clown gobies, or neon gobies? Are gold striped neon gobies any different from normal neon gobies, other than their coloration?


In addition to the 4 larger fish that I listed in the above entry, could I also keep a couple neon gobies, or a couple clown gobies, or both?