Does this sound good for my 30 gallon


Active Member
2 false percula
Flame angel
Purple Firefish
Neon Goby
Scarlet Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
Blood Red Fire Shrimp
Strawberry crab
Sally light foot crab
Boxing crab
Arrow crab
does this sound good for my 30 gallon

who dey

Active Member
your inverts sound good but i would limit your fish amt to 2 or 3 maybe. i wouldn't put that angel in a tank any smaller than 55gal just my opinion


New Member
Yea, Dwarf Angels Need Space And Lots Of Rock Work To Roam, My Personal Experence Ive Never Seen Them Do 100% In Anything Lower Than 55G. Really I Would Have Got More Firefish, You Will Have A Hard Time Introducing New Ones. They Usually Tear Up On New Firefish (Not Always, Kinda Of A 50/50 Thing).


Active Member
I think that sounds pretty good to me. I wouldnt say that you couldnt keep the drarf angel in the 30, i think that would be fine for him. I've nevr heard of the battle between the flame angel and the firefish, but then again, I havent expericenced keeping the two together...So i would be cautios ab out that because of other's warnings.. I say give it a try but keep a close watch on all of them...


Active Member
OOOOOOOHHH, i see. I was like "where is this guy going with this"? lol. And yeah, he si right about that, I have heard of a lot of people who have tried to keep multiple firefish that fought, but i have never experienced that with mine...