does this sound good?


can i put these fish in a 29 gallon?
one common clown
one yellow-tailed blue damsel
one unknown fish,,, i dont know then name but it is a small black fish with white stipes can anyone send me a picture of what i might be discribing?


sounds like a domino damsel. Should be fine. They are territorial and a bit aggressive. May limit your options for putting in new fish.


Active Member
I would not add any damsels myself. Most of the time they become to aggressive and will harass other tank mates. Especially in smaller tanks.
The black and white stripped could also be a bengaii cardinal.


Active Member
Or it could just be a THRRE STRIPE DAMSEL, lol. Dont go with damsels. They are cheap, but for a reason. they are a PAIN IN THE A$$. Get a bunch of clowns man, but stay away from sebae/clarkii clowns. They are not as great looking as other clowns and I had a bad encounter with one once. Killed three other clowns I had, that SOB.:mad: Yea, bet a mix of maroons and perculas, and a couple anemones. That woule be a great set up. Make sure you get a carpet anemone though, cuz that's pretty much all tht Percs will aceept. K, bye