Does This Sound Good?


Active Member
All I have right now is a 30 gallon high tank with a stand. I want a reef. I have decided to get:
50 pounds of Southdown with 20 pounds of Florida LS
45 pounds of Fiji LR
Custom Sealife Smartlite Fixture with 10,000k daylight lamp and 460nm actinic tube
CPR Bak Pak 2 Protein Skimmer
I want to keep mushroom corals, ricordias, snails, hermits, a couple of stars, conchs, a cleaner shrimp, feather dusters, and a couple of small fish such as clowns.
Does my list sound good? What else (if anything) should I add to the list? (Don't worry about listing no-brainers like a heater, test kits, etc...)


Active Member
Sounds fine. Do you only want to keep softies? I prefer the Prizm skimmer over the bak pak, but it's just personal preference. Bo


Sounds great, I would do without the protein skimmer though. Frequent 10-20% water changes per week will eliminate the need for a skimmer IMHO. I've been running a 55gal hex for about two years now skimmerless without a hitch. The prizm and other hang-on skimmers are essentially useless in my experience, just another hassle.