Does this sound like a reliable LFS employee?


I asked him a number of questions about my new tank I'm getting here are the suggestions he gave:
"Get your tank drilled (it's acrylic) and get a sump. You can use a fish tank as a sump"
"Get a protein skimmer, heater, and return pump for the sump"
"Always use RO water"
"1 lb of live rock per gallon of water"
Does this sound like he knows his stuff? I've heard on this board a lot of people don't have faith in their LFS employees, but this guy sounds really knowledgeable...


From what I've been reading that all sounds 100% correct. I've never heard whether you can or can't drill acrylic, though I think you can.


Active Member
All good advice.
Normally most acrylic tanks are already drilled but yours may not be. The tank your getting does not have an overflow box inside or holes in the bottom or back or called reef ready ????
Acrylic is very easy to drill, even a caveman can do it.


I'm not sure if it's drilled. I've seen the tank, but I didn't know much about saltwater tanks before that. The tank comes with a bunch of live sand (although it's been sitting in tap water for a few months, I don't know if I should use the sand), a stand, and a lighting fixture.
I'll ask him if it's drilled. If not, I'm sure I might be able to get the fish store employee to help me with that.


Active Member
You can drill an acrylic tank with a plain old hole saw, nothing special. I use a Lennox Bi-Metal hole saw, works great. Just keep the hole flooded with water to keep the acrylic from melting or you end up with a messy hole.
If your live sand has been sitting in tap water then you can remove the "live" from the name, but you can still use the sand. Just rinse it well in RO water and you're golden.


Originally Posted by Dogstar
All good advice.
Normally most acrylic tanks are already drilled but yours may not be. The tank your getting does not have an overflow box inside or holes in the bottom or back or called reef ready ????
Acrylic is very easy to drill, even a caveman can do it.

Better watch the caveman talk, you may piss some of them off. Haven't you been watching tv. Geico commercal.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bemaniac
Would it be best to keep the sand, or just start anew with CC and/or live sand?
you could keep the sand, use it and then get like a cup or 2 of live sand to seed it


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dogstar
Acrylic is very easy to drill, even a caveman can do it.
What is this supposed to mean? Are you saying we cave people are limited in our capabilities? I suppose you are just more evolved than we? I swear, you homoerects think you're just the top of the chain or something, dont you?