Does West Los Angeles Need another LFS


Just wanted to get feed back from everybody who lives around the West Los Angeles area. Are you happy with the LFS's and other Pet Stores in this area, excluding, because as we all know their the greatest. I think there are a couple of good LFS's way south of LAX, but there are no respectable ones around Santa Monica/Venice/Marina Del Rey/Inglewood. I guess with the cost of rent, online competition, etc... they can't afford to have good prices and good service. Does anyone know of a great/reliable LFS in the cities mentioned above?
Anyway, two of my buddies and myself are thinking of starting our own Pet Store. The store would cover three areas. Tropical Fish, Exotic Birds and Reptiles. Each of us covering our own area. Anyway, just wanted to get peoples thoughts on whether or not West Los Angeles needs another Pet Store or could even support another store. What do you think?


Good Luck!!! My LFS is near Hollywood...on Beverly Blvd and Cresant's been there for over 40 years....and the 'main man' in Salt Water has been there the whole time (he's not an owner).....they give great advice and honestly don't try and "ring you up$$" ..... the others are Petcos!! and I honestly think thre last person to show up for work has to clean their tanks and take care of the fish dept


Active Member
I don't know of any great Fish places in LA. Most of them are awful in some way or another. Most of the time I don't go to any LFS. I'll usually get corals from fellow reefers in the area, who are willing to sell/trade any corals/fragments.
I think it would be a great idea to start up a LFS. Los Angeles needs a well trusted and respected LFS :)
terrence, What's the name of the LFS you go to, and the exact address? Does it have a website?


Hey SPS.......The name is Aquarium Stock Company at 8070 Beverly Blvd, LA # (323)653-8930........the salt water guru is JIM...there are several others who are knowledgeable, and if you get someone who doesn't know....they tell you. I know they've been there over 40 years because I've gone there since I've been a kid....I'm now 57>>>>>good luck...
I don't know if they have a web site....sorry


Active Member
I've been to LA several times, but have never had the time to visit the LFS. The last time I went down I took the wife, and the owner of my LFS. All they could say is that they hit about 4 LFS, and where appalled by the conditions, and would not visit anymore. I'm sure LA could use some Good LFS.


cogreywolf, how is the selection of corals @ your LFS, I'm always looking for new ones. Puffygrl told me about one in El Toro, havent checked it yet but from her post the live rock sounds really good and they get new shipments thru / fri


Two more somewhat good LFS are Apex Aquariums in Culver City, near the Sepulveda Blvd and Culver Blvd intersection, and Jim's Exotic Fishes in El Segundo on Sepulveda Blvd.
Apex by far has the most selection I've seen around, and their specimens are in good to great conditions.
Aquarium Stock is good, and that guru guy there is very friendly and helpful. They just had a 20% off sale end, and that would've been good time to pick up expensive fish like tangs, triggers, etc.


I'll have to agree, that Jim's Exotic Fish is pretty good. The owner is really knowledgable and doesn't BS his customers. I think the only negative with Jim's is the prices on his fish. But I guess with his good service, paying more for a healthy fish is worth it. As far as Apex Aquarium, or the fish store from Deuce Bigalow, I have never liked their store. Corals never look good. Their prices on fish aren't too bad.
Anyone else know of some good stores in the West Los Angeles area that is great?


Active Member

Originally posted by YellowG555
Two more somewhat good LFS are Apex Aquariums in Culver City, near the Sepulveda Blvd and Culver Blvd intersection, and Jim's Exotic Fishes in El Segundo on Sepulveda Blvd.
Apex by far has the most selection I've seen around, and their specimens are in good to great conditions.
Aquarium Stock is good, and that guru guy there is very friendly and helpful. They just had a 20% off sale end, and that would've been good time to pick up expensive fish like tangs, triggers, etc.

Apex is one I go to often, as it's only about 3 minutes from where I live. I personally dislike their selection of corals. They always have the same things over and over (Anemones, lots of soft corals and a few LPS). They also do not have a wide variety of lighting, drygoods, etc. Although for the most part, the people their are extremely knowledgable.
I've been to Jim's once, and it was just OK. I personally thought the prices were a bit high, though.
There's another place called "The Aquarium" on Sawtelle and Sepulveda. It's an ok store. It's not great, but it's not bad. They keep their corals under Halides, and under great conditions. Many of the corals kept in their tank are captive raised. They have a very poor fish selection though. Many of their fish have diseases, esspecially their tangs (Head and Lateral Line Errosion [HLLE]).
Finally, there's Aquatic Outlet in inglewood ( My personal experience is not good with them. They give horrible advice, and 99.9% of the people who work their have no clue how to take care of their animals. Service also really sucks and prices are extremely high, esspecially on their drygoods. Many of their corals are dyed strange colors to attract customers (Hot pink xenia?). Don't even get me started about Dave :D


See what I mean. There may be an abundance of LFS's in West Los Angeles, but none of them are Outstanding.
List of LFS's in my area, and my rating (not in any particular order)
1. Aquatic Outlet: lots of fish, and corals. Extremely high prices. 2. The Aquarium: sickly fish, smaller selection of corals but are healthier. 3. Apex: Sickly corals, small selection of fish. 4. Allans Aquarium: very small selection of fish, no corals. Sick fish. 5. Jims Exotic Fish: Better selection of fish and corals. High prices, but gives great free advice. 6. Jeff's Exotic Fish: good selection of corals and fish if you arrive on the right day. Fairly knowledgable.
Can you name anymore LFS's in this area? And rate them?


Active Member

Originally posted by cogreywolf
4. Allans Aquarium: very small selection of fish, no corals. Sick fish.

Allans Aquarium doesn't even count as an LFS. The place is just horible. They have a very very small section of fish, which are kept in 5 gallon tanks. The fish they have in there all have multiple diseases (or dead), with Cyano bacteria growing everywhere. I hated the place. One visit was enough for me.
Take Care,


One place I frequent is Kyoto Aquarium on Wilshire in Koreatown. It's run by Mr. Kyoto who's been in the business for over 30 years. He's friendly and knowledgeable, but old fashioned in his beliefs. He has a few tanks for saltwater, and keeps most of his livestock in one 60 gallon tank. It's really nothing compared to the bigger LFS's, but I like it because he gives me great pricing and good deals.
Cogrey -- If you're serious about opening up a store, go for it. I think it'd be wonderful for someone who is an enthusiast first and a salesperson second rather than the other way around. I'll be one of the first people lining up outside your store to check it out and buy some stuff. :p


t|here wasn't a lot said about AQUATIC OUTLET. Can anybody give me their experience or knowledge with this store . Like Corgeywolf.


Aquatic Outlet..... They are like the Walmart or Kmart of Local Fish Stores. They can get you any thing you want, but the quality isn't always the best. If you buy corals from them, buy them from the Large Display Tank in the Lobby. Some of their Leathers are pretty good as well. As far as fish are concerned, they have a very large variety, just make sure you purchase a healthy specimen. Prices can be high, but if you get on their mailing list they have sales not known to the average joe. I think it was a month ago, they had a special on JBJ Arctic Chillers 1/3 HP for $599. No Joke... They were also selling Chevron tangs for $60. If you go, ask for Shannon. She is a very nice woman and runs the business with her father. Hope this answers your question.


I tried calling Aquarium Stock Company to visit them, but a recorded msg. said that the # was disconnected..have they gone out of business? or still there?
..meanwhile, the search for a reasonably priced, knowledgleable staffed, LFS in LA continues...


Hi sw-addict....that info was posted over a year ago....and infortunately...they have closed without moving. The new owner of the building made them an offer they couldn't refuse. bummer!!!