Does your clown host?

master 33

I just bought a rose bubble tip anemone for my clownfish and he wont even go near it!:mad: He never goes down toward the rocks....he just stays at the top of my tank and bobs up and down.
So my question do you get him to start hosting and how long does it usualy take for him to start? Thanks.


mine took almost immediatly to my hatian pink tip anemone. u can try posting a picture to ur tank of a clown hosting in an anemone, some people have had this to work before. or you might coax ur fish in there with some food. or it might just take time. HTH :)


Single clownfish? Any other fish in the tank? Is where your clown haning out close to where you released him in the tank?


if its been without a anome its whole life it will take a long time to get its mucus amuned to tthe anome sting. if you get a frogspawn he will host to that,

master 33

He swims all around the tank but doesnt go down in the rocks. Hes always up top bebopping around. He constantly bobs up and down. He has a great appetite and is friendly to my other fish but I want a clown that hosts....Is it best to have perculas paired? Can I go to my lfs and find one that is already hosting an anemone and add it to my tank? Will the new percula attach the old one or vice versa or will the be fine?


I bought my clown and star star polyp at the same time at the LFS becuase he was already hosting it. When I bought them both in my tank it took him a day but then he went right back to it.


Active Member
Give it time! Some clowns wont host larger anemone for a week or two more b.c its chock is larger and they have to get use to it. Give it time. Ameones can live w/ clowns if they are fed right.

master 33

So you think I should wait? I was going to go to my lfs tommorow and find one that was already hosting a Rose anemone and add him to my tank...but if the one I have now will host soon I wont do it. lemme know!:D


got my long tentical anemone on friday.
today i see my clowns starting to take to it.
looks so cool.
you got a good anemone, so they should take to it.
rose cost$70-80 in my town.
had to go on-line for my LTA $20 and its big.
i only hope 100w PC in a 35 will keep it alive.
good luck.

master 33

Well, no luck yet. Still waiting for him to dive in:) Im running 110 watts on my 40g and it seems to be working fine so far. If thats not enough light then I will have to move the anemone up top so its close to the light.....maybe I will do that anyway since the clown is always up top.
Or maybe I will just qt the anemone and clown untill he hosts.


My clown is doing the same thing yours is i have a rose anenoma but he won't go in it now the first time i had him he went near it swam in it just for about 1 min then left he is a maron clown if that helps i have only had him and the rose for about 2 days