Does your LFS offer a guarantee?


I really enjoy one of the lfs stores that I frequently shop at. They have knowledgeable personnel and don't push to sell me anything. They always have a good selection of fish and are constantly improving their displays. They even offer a 20% discount to military personnel (which I take full advantage of).
The only problem is that they don't offer a guarantee on their livestock. Every pet store that I have always shopped at since I was a kid gave some sort of guarantee ( 72 hours, 5 days, etc..) Does this seem right? Should I continue shopping there?
Sorry, but I didn't think this belonged in the 'Off Topic Section", feel free to move as necessary.


There are 3 lfs in my area one being a *****. Only one gives guarantee. That store is most expensive. Of them all bt 10 to 15% higher. I go to one that does not have guarantee ( not *****) and since I go there all the time they take care of me because I give them all my $ I would say just keep going to store make urself known there and if u do ever have a problem the might take care of u


Active Member
Originally Posted by Raptor72 http:///forum/thread/386644/does-your-lfs-offer-a-guarantee#post_3397267
I really enjoy one of the lfs stores that I frequently shop at. They have knowledgeable personnel and don't push to sell me anything. They always have a good selection of fish and are constantly improving their displays. They even offer a 20% discount to military personnel (which I take full advantage of).
The only problem is that they don't offer a guarantee on their livestock. Every pet store that I have always shopped at since I was a kid gave some sort of guarantee ( 72 hours, 5 days, etc..) Does this seem right? Should I continue shopping there?
Sorry, but I didn't think this belonged in the 'Off Topic Section", feel free to move as necessary.
None of the LFS in my area offer any type of guarantee on their SW collections. They only offer guarantees on FW and as long as those specimens are not sensitive. This is why I order most of my livestock online. Many online retailers offer a 2 week guarantee.


Well-Known Member
+1 on wat cuccaro said....most of the LFS know me and they mostly try to take care of their customers specially for the $! The more high class one that is like 40miles away dosent know me as well because its 40miles away lol


They guarantee that its alive and well when you take it out of the store. But most fish aren't sold for 3 days after arrival.


Active Member
Usually the places that can offer guarantees on livestock, mostly online vendors. can do so because of sales volume. The lowly LFS doesn't have near the volume of those other places, so each refund they give, stings that much more. Especially, as I tend to believe, a probably surprising percentage of refunds given, aren't always the store's fault.
Only one fish store I've been to offered a guarantee. It however only was for fish that ate strongly and looked good in the store. If the fish didn't eat, you could still buy him, but there was no guarantee. However for the reason stated above, I find no fault with LFS's not offering a guarantee.


Well-Known Member
not true! I have fish stores that will sell u stuff before it even goes in their when they are still acclimating it to their tanks! This imo is a great time to get em. That way the fish dosent go through so much a swing and acclimation and such! I do have some that will wait a couple days to see how the live stock does before u can take it home though too


Well-Known Member
Mine doesn't offer a guarantee, but they have helped me out in the past because they know me so well. I think my advice would be the same as Cuccaro. Pick the store that you like the best, make yourself known as a serious hobbyist, and after a while you'll be treated to a few more percs than the average walk-in.


Originally Posted by 1guyDude http:///forum/thread/386644/does-your-lfs-offer-a-guarantee#post_3397322
not true! I have fish stores that will sell u stuff before it even goes in their when they are still acclimating it to their tanks! This imo is a great time to get em. That way the fish dosent go through so much a swing and acclimation and such! I do have some that will wait a couple days to see how the live stock does before u can take it home though too
Acclimation from your their tank to yours is nowhere near as much of a stress as the ammonia sesspool they are sitting in in those bags. Repeated acclimation, if done properly should not "stress" the fish, if he is other wise healthy.
If a fish comes from the local wholesaler, then sure, I can see selling it without first putting it in their tank, but if your LFS just picked up a shipment from africa, then that fish is either healthy or it isnt. I wouldn't buy it for a couple days.

tangs rule

Active Member
Originally Posted by 1guyDude http:///forum/thread/386644/does-your-lfs-offer-a-guarantee#post_3397322
not true! I have fish stores that will sell u stuff before it even goes in their when they are still acclimating it to their tanks! This imo is a great time to get em. That way the fish dosent go through so much a swing and acclimation and such! I do have some that will wait a couple days to see how the live stock does before u can take it home though too
I would much rather get one still in the bag from the whosaler, rather than it get dumped into the LFS tanks, and get exposed to even more parasites/disease/infection. Most mornings BEFORE the LFS doors open for business - someone gets the dirty job of going thru all the tanks and removing all the deaths & casualities from the nite before and dump them in a trash can. This is a daily routine, and in a large LFS it takes several people to complete this task before the store opens.....It's bad enough "new to the lfs" fish have already been thru several tanks since capture, but keeping it out of just ONE more infected system before I qtine it, helps IME.


Active Member
Aside from the chain stores, I have 5 LFS near me. I have been to them all and only purchased from 2. I know that 3 of them offer a 24 hr garuntee if I bring in a water sample prior to purchase and that water tests perfectly. If there is anything in the water other than water, the garuntee is off. I have not used the garuntee on anything I have purchased but I did get a full refund on the brittle star, more than a week after purchase, that ate my orchid and pff originally. I think the brittle star brought the total of $ spent at that LFS to over a grand, so I am not sure if that had anything to do with getting the refund.


Well-Known Member
LOL one of my LFS looked up my history and i spent about $1000 as well! That dosent include the 3 tanks and stands either....that i got from other places! I do get some decent perks at that one like rock out of their reef tank and watevers on it! Mostly just snails or something.....the coral is another story!
I would much rather get one still in the bag from the whosaler, rather than it get dumped into the LFS tanks, and get exposed to even more parasites/disease/infection. Most mornings BEFORE the LFS doors open for business - someone gets the dirty job of going thru all the tanks and removing all the deaths & casualities from the nite before and dump them in a trash can. This is a daily routine, and in a large LFS it takes several people to complete this task before the store opens.....It's bad enough "new to the lfs" fish have already been thru several tanks since capture, but keeping it out of just ONE more infected system before I qtine it, helps IME.
really tang? I dont know, ive got a pretty high end fish store a couple citys away and i know (or think) they dont get the casualties some of the smaller LFS have!
Kinda funny you wouldnt expect this store to be in the back of a dentist office or doctor office or watever. Its kinda hidden but has some high end stuff.....i know if i really wanted something i could get it from em! Its funny to go to other fish stores and hear about their competitors gossip and stuff....ill i can think is I shop their sometimes lol!!!!


There are 7 lfs that easily come to mind. None of them offer a warrenty on saltwater. One of the most expensive stores is exclusively saltwater. His livestock looks much healthier than most and if a fish isn't eating or there is any problem that he knows of, he will tell you up front. And occassionally if he feels a fish is doomed, he won't sell it. That is how my daughter got her free new angel that has advanced hlle. I would much rather pay a little more and get the fish from a family run store that I can trust.
We haven't tried ordering online yet, we might this fall. I have a gift certificate here to use
. We rarely loose a fish in 14 days so the shipping just seems high to justify the added expense. I like the idea seeing the fish I'm getting, looking is half the fun.