doesnt it bum you out?


that you cant have two angel fish in the same tank.
.. i mean their all so pretty, its hard to choose JUST ONE.

do you agree?

hmm, whats YOUR favorite angel fish?

noah's nemo

Alot of people have 2,3, one (big) tank.I think,myself included, people are more bummed about not being able to have a reef and angel,although some do that too
.I just got a juvi Koran and love it


New Member
i have 2 in my 180g. if i could only have one i would probably pick C. abei or C. boylei but both of those are either EXTREMELY expensive or not being collected. it's all about how you introduce the angels. when i introduced my second angel there was little to no aggression. my angels are in a reef too. no problems.


hmm, maybe it is okay to have two angels.
but that's only the case with 180+ gallon tanks. and even then its not exactly recommended.
but it doesn't seem appropriate in the tiny 72gal of mine >_<


Active Member
I had an eibli and a keyhole in my 55 for quite some time...until I decided to take the keyhole and put it into our 29 (dumb decision...there was no problem, why create one???)


New Member
I have 4 angels in a 220 FOWLR with no aggression problems. The size of the tank, the size of the fish and what order you add them will most of the time determine if you can keep multiple angels in a tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by LoveHateJon
hmm, well do you think i could have any success with two dwarf angels in a 72gal?
There's certainly a real shot at them working out together
. Stick to some of the smaller species...


New Member
I really had a hard time deciding between my coral beauty and a flame angel, but I'm very happy I choose the coral beauty, and I just try hard not to look at the flame angels whenever I go into my fav fish store!