Dog face has VELVET... Help quickly


New Member
My dog face has marine velvet and i am having a hard time finding products to treat her. I know copper isn't a good idea, but I need some help. I have been having a problem with the nitrates in the tank as well and did a 3/4 water change to rid the tank of the nitrates, then administered metronidazole.
What are easy ways to keep the nitrates low???:help:


Staff member
What are the symptoms? Actually, copper is a viable treatment. Any medications in the display tank can be harmful. What type of setup do you have?


New Member
well the symptoms are as follows, scratching, dusty colored stuff on her, won't eat, lethargic, over active slime...
I have a 55 gal tank with 2 penguin 330 filters plus a protein skimmer, a powerhead and air stones. The rest of the fish that were in there are in my upstairs tank. There were 3 damsels in there, well also a tang, but the nitrates were really bothering him so I moved him upstairs. So currently in the 55 with the parasites is Puff and in the 30 gallon there is a baby porcupine puffer, 5 damsels, a tang and brittle star. Too many fish, I know, but I have no place to put them