Dog Face Puffer acting really werid!!!!



Does this look normal?? He's now just usually sitting on rocks instead of swimming around. We got him a week ago he used to swim everywhere and just out of now where we came home and he was all puffed up and now he seems scared of everything. But he will eat. My levels are all good.


Active Member
They puffer shouldn't be puffed up that much without a reason. May I ask what you are feeding it?
Waite.......................... is that a Fiji spotted puffer you have in there too. Have you noticed any nipping or aggression on his part?


It's a Stars and Stripes puffer and noone messes with the Dog Face he's the biggest and we a a porcupine puffer they all get along just fine. I feed him shrimp and scallops everyday is that to much? Should I not feed them everyday? All the puffers since yesterday have been acting scared and hiding on rocks. Nothing in my tank has changed.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TVukan http:///t/394865/dog-face-puffer-acting-really-werid#post_3514736
It's a Stars and Stripes puffer and noone messes with the Dog Face he's the biggest and we a a porcupine puffer they all get along just fine. I feed him shrimp and scallops everyday is that to much? Should I not feed them everyday? All the puffers since yesterday have been acting scared and hiding on rocks. Nothing in my tank has changed.
Well they look healthy. What are your water parameters. Can you post the results?
Another thought might be they are bored. will elaborate more later.


It was like 7.8 we added some PH balancer last night. Hoping that helps. Salt Water tanks are allot of work and stress that's forsure lol I'm constantly worried about the fish and their behavior.


Active Member
My DFP would blow up in rocks all the time. Usually to sleep or when I was banging around in the tank. Never caused an issue and he would definitely come out to eat.


Ya lots of water movement. We have three puffers and they like to lay in the rocks most of the time. Ya my dog face puffer balloons up in the rocks too. He gets all puffy when he's laying there but def comes out to eat. I thought this was kind of weird I thought puffers were active swimmers.


Active Member
You may want to slow your current. They like to swim but they are like balloons with oars. Slow and steady. They will hit high gear for food but the current may be too much. Try turning one or two off and see if they swim around more often.