Dog feeding question.



I have had dogs all my life and I/ we have always put the food in a bowl and let them "graze" when they wanted...
BUt recently, I got a new dog, which I feed him twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening. So, at the same time I feed my previous dog and he's adapting well. He get's less then a cup twice a day. He's very small. Not the new dog, my original dog.
Anyway, my question is, this morning, the big dog ate his food, the small dog wasn't hungry, so he left his and the big dog ate that too... Now the fact that my little dog skipped breakfast, should I try another cup around noon or just make him wait til dinner??
In a few minutes I'm leaving to go camping for the weekend, so if I don't reply soon, then that's why.


Originally Posted by DragonZim
I've had dogs skip meals before for no particular reason and without suffering any ill effects...

OK so then I'll just wait til dinner to feed him.
It's wierd, the big one, I couldn't imagine him skipping a meal. I'm just not used to this scheduled feeding. BUt when what came out of the dog was as much as I put in him, I figured I'd better start regulating, lol.

tank a holic

Active Member
yeah if he woofs the food down in the evening like he's starved maybe give another half cup but like already said he'll be fine


Originally Posted by tank a holic
yeah if he woofs the food down in the evening like he's starved maybe give another half cup but like already said he'll be fine
The little one?? He never woofs it down. BUt I'll keep it in mind and watch him anyway this eve.


In the morning, leave the food down for about 20 minutes. If its eaten, great. If not, put it up until dinner time. Same thing at dinner, the dogs will learn to eat according to a schedule and view you as the pack leader.

tx reef

Active Member
I have a 75 lb. American White Shepherd/Wolf mix.
I feed him 1.5 cups twice a day.....he never has ignored his food.

al mc

Active Member
Originally Posted by Girlina4x4
In the morning, leave the food down for about 20 minutes. If its eaten, great. If not, put it up until dinner time. Same thing at dinner, the dogs will learn to eat according to a schedule and view you as the pack leader.
Tiz....This is good advice. I might limit it to 10 minutes though

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by TX Reef
I have a 75 lb. American White Shepherd/Wolf mix.
I feed him 1.5 cups twice a day.....he never has ignored his food.

This seems a bit light. I have 150 lb great danes and they eat 12 cups a day each. I would think your dog should be getting atleast 4 cups a day based off its weight.


Originally Posted by Al Mc
Tiz....This is good advice. I might limit it to 10 minutes though

The larger dog always wolfs it down and I have reduced his feedings to 1.5 cups, 2X a day.
The smaller dog, is either hungry or he's not. I leave it down for a few, and he either goes right to it, or doesn't eat it at all. He's very low active and 8 years old, so I don't expect him to eat to much. But he is however, the best dog in the whole world!
I swear he knows english!
The new and larger one is still a work in progress.

al mc

Active Member
Originally Posted by Tizzo
The larger dog always wolfs it down and I have reduced his feedings to 1.5 cups, 2X a day.
The smaller dog, is either hungry or he's not. I leave it down for a few, and he either goes right to it, or doesn't eat it at all. He's very low active and 8 years old, so I don't expect him to eat to much. But he is however, the best dog in the whole world!
I swear he knows english!
The new and larger one is still a work in progress.

Tiz...Usual 'rule of thumb' is to feed 1 cup of food for every 40# of body weight that the pet should be....This is for the usual non working pet. If you have a high energy dog or he 'works'...hunts/swims/has hard running 'play dates' with other dogs at the local park regularly then more food id needed.
Another way of questimating that you are feeding correctly.
Too fat: You can feel the ribs easily
Too thin: You can see the ribs


He's not fat by any means, and he's not "lean" either. He was very lean when I got him, but his head looked to big to me, so I fed him. Now, to me, he looks perfect.
Love, I'll see if I can find any pics.


Active Member
omg....sooo cute. He looks very happy in his new home
what mix is he? A friend of ours has a dog that looks similar to that. Only she is tanner.

al mc

Active Member
Tiz...From my 'exam' based on your pictures he appears to be a good weight and obviously a well loved dog!


Originally Posted by Al Mc
Tiz...From my 'exam' based on your pictures he appears to be a good weight and obviously a well loved dog!

Now your gonna send me a bill aren't you...

But since we've got him, he's been an awesome animal and he's really taking his "place" in my pack. He sleeps at my feet (on the floor while I'm on the couch) and has started following me around. We've only had him a couple months, but I'm developing a soft spot.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by Tizzo
Now your gonna send me a bill aren't you...

But since we've got him, he's been an awesome animal and he's really taking his "place" in my pack. He sleeps at my feet (on the floor while I'm on the couch) and has started following me around. We've only had him a couple months, but I'm developing a soft spot.



Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
Just tell everyone he is a staffordshire terrier mix.

I did that a first, but by definition, if it has Staffordhire in it's liniage, it's a pitt bull...

Even dog people at the park and such ask if he's an American bulldog.