Dog with broken tail?


Active Member
I completely disagree with that ..... animals can't tell us what's bothering them but they sure can show us. Any behavior or actions out of the norm warrants a trip to the vet IMO. Especially a possible injury or sickness.


Balloo you're not the kind nurturing type are you?

I'm going to take him just in case there's something seriously wrong with him.
Would you go to the doctor with a broken arm? I mean you're not going to die from it are you?

I had a cat once that got it's tail run over by a car and we let it "heal on it's own". Long story short, the cat's tail ended up rotting off of it's body.

Don't think I'm going to go down that road with my prized mutt dog.


haha, no i'm just honest.
i too called my vet, and insisted taking her...the vet said "if harley has her tail tucked between her legs than it's not broken OR dislocated, she's just got a pulled muscle. if you see swelling around the back side, it is a sign of a torn muscle. Dont go stressing your dog out by loading her in your car and bringing her here for me to tell you it's just a sprain. and charge you 100$ for it"
Would you go to the doctor with a broken arm? I mean you're not going to die from it are you?
if i stood up and my leg went one way and my body went another, i would go. If i wacked my arm and could move it(with minor pain) then i'd ice it down.
pets(especially dogs) can be very smart, and if it sees you babying it, he/she will milk it as long as they me. any long term dog owners with many different types will tell you...they will do anything for most women.


Like most women...
That's hilarious. I know what you mean though. I'm going to mess around with him tonight and see how he does.
I find it very odd that I found 15 accounts of people with this same problem on Google and wouldn't you know it, most had taken their dog swimming the day or two before...
maybe I need to get him a set of four doggie arm floaties???


Active Member
Originally Posted by baloo6969
don’t take it to the wont die because of a broken tail, and since it has it's tail between it's legs, it's a sure sign it's not's just in pain.
Obviously it is lethargic and doesn’t want to play with a puppy...would you want to go play catch with you kid if you just took a fast ball to your boys? Give it some time, or some aspirin. Don’t go paying someone to tell you something that is obvious…your dog will live.
How did you diagnose it's tail is injured?


Originally Posted by Adairable
I have def seen a dog with a broken tail and it is so sad.... If it is a bone break then there is probably some swelling so I think that would call for some ibuprophen. Give him a child's dose depending on his weight
First off please don't give your dog ibuprophen, aspirin is a completely different drug. Ibuprophen in dogs can cause severe gastric bleeding among other things. Aspirin is ok in low doses. I would recommend using buffered aspirin for ease on the stomach. I am not going to post the recommend dosage because you really need to call your vet and ask them what they recommend.
As far as the tail being tucked under, it would be far fetched to say that it was broken because he would have to bend it to tuck it and bending would cause pain. Usually dogs won't wag their tail or it will be crooked. I would still take him to the vet though, he could've hurt his lower back or his pelvis.

ric maniac

Active Member
that is exactly what my dog did when his glands back there were infected. also as said above, he might have hurt his pelvis or lower back.


well since no one has mentioned this yet in a body of water like a pond or lake * not a swimming pool* there are pathagens in the water that can get into the dogs stomach when they feel bad the tail will tuck. There are also parasites that can work their way into dog. There are also many many other things that can happen when your not looking snake bites, bug bites, fire ant stings etc.. you get the point there are many other things that can be going on with the dog. My suggestion is anything that causes you concern with our pet then you should act accordingly either taking to the vet or clinic to see what the problem is.
one of my dogs is allergic to grass of all things she has to have a allergy shot or she looses all her hair on her tail and it looks like she has mange.
Another one of my dogs have a severe allgery to wasp and bees if he gets stung his entire face swells up about 3 times the normal size so I have to keep benidryl for both of them!!!


He's doing a little better today. I have him some children's aspirin last night and that seemed to help. We're still going to take him to the vet though just to be safe.
Thanks for the input everyone!


$70 later and we found out it's only infected anal glands. Poor little guy.
I figured as much as he licks back there they'd be clean...


I think it's about time to take my old mutt in for a check-up too.
Any ideas how often those things should be taken care of? The glands that is.


The vet said it just depends on the dog and breed. She said some breeds are prone to gland problems and some don't ever have any problems.
I know we've done it a few times in 4 years but it's always been a routine thing and never an issue.


most grooming places if you take your dog to a groomer will express the gland as part of the grooming process. FWIW
I am glad it was nothing serious though it could have been much worse.


Very true, it could have been much worse. Anal glands can rupture and is very very painful for a dog. Imagine a large boil on your butt and then sitting down on it all of the time. OUCH.


Did you watch them squeeze 'em?
...Oh lordy.
When I was younger, my stepmom was a vet nurse; she would take me to work with her a lot. I saw some pretty cool/gross stuff. I've seen a pus-covered foxtail shoot out and stick into the vets forehead. I've seen vets covered in anal goo. Those are some awesome memories.


Originally Posted by katiev
Did you watch them squeeze 'em?
...Oh lordy.
When I was younger, my stepmom was a vet nurse; she would take me to work with her a lot. I saw some pretty cool/gross stuff. I've seen a pus-covered foxtail shoot out and stick into the vets forehead. I've seen vets covered in anal goo. Those are some awesome memories.

I used to be a dog groomer not the nest part of the job though LOL


Back to the ibuprofen, dogs can't metabolize it the way humans can and it is actually toxic to them. As is Tylenol. When in doubt, look the Merck Manual up online. I stick with baby aspirin with my dogs. The Merck Manual will let you know how much to give depending on weight. You'd be amazed at how many things you can figure out on your own with Merck. With 3 dogs and 2 horses, it is like a bible in this house.