Dogface Puffer won't eat?


Active Member
Originally Posted by CGRANT
my puffers are pigs, all they do is eat!
what are your params?
If the beak has grown too big for eating you will need to do the dentistry already mentioned, also put some dried hard coral in the tank, my puffers chew on the pieces i have in my tank all the time, my 9" golden puffer will even sometimes chew on my flatter pieces of LR
Hey where did you find the dried coral?


Was your puffer on a staple diet of just squid & krill?
What else are you feeding?
How long have you been feeding this diet?
Did you supplement vitamins?
Have you tested your water?
Look at the eyes, do they look like they are sinking down at all?
You may be looking at a vitamin deficiency with this fish.


New Member
I would suspect a vitamin deficiency...good call (above)...

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New Member
Originally Posted by V-Lioness
Was your puffer on a staple diet of just squid & krill?
What else are you feeding?
How long have you been feeding this diet?
Did you supplement vitamins?
Have you tested your water?
Look at the eyes, do they look like they are sinking down at all?
You may be looking at a vitamin deficiency with this fish.
V-lioness , Squid & Krill, He would not look at a Silverside, yes and that is pretty much it.
as for the vitamins , no I did not realize he would need them. What type of vitamins???
I change my water every 15 days, religiously---- Water has been fine, even taken it in to my lfs, so he could check it also
As for the eyes, not at all looking sunken..........


It is a tough call to make, there are a few things that could be going on.
You could move the puffer to quarantine and add vitamins directly into the water, it is not as effective as soaking the foods in vitamins but at least you can try to get some in the puffers system.
After the move to quarantine, You could try the ghost shrimp again, try feeding the ghost shrimp something like Spectrum pellets soaked in vitamins before giving them to you puffer
Pick up Vitamins at your LFS, Zoe or Selcon.
Puffers need a variety of food in their diet, many foods can come from the grocery store. You may want to try Raw Shrimp, Squid, Scallops, Cray Fish, Smelt or Mussels, you could try greens such as Nori hanging in the tank or Fresh frozen Peas Thawed.
ScubaDoo - Do a google serch on force feeding puffers. You will find instructions on another site.
You really need to do your homework on this subject, I agree with what ScubaDoo said, personally I have never had to go this route, and have taken in some pretty sick fish. I can get info for you if you if you need it, just email me at