Dogface substrate?!?!


OK, well since i have to have a dogface pufferfish i am planning to upgrade my tank. I'm not sure on what size, or filtration yet so dont ask. right now im figuring out what i could do to make this transfer easiest and i was wondering what they prefer as their substrate. i have about 3" in my 58g of somewhat dirty livesand right now, and that is with inverts. since there wont be able to be inverts, or if there are not many, what type of substrate is easiest to use that doesnt get really dirty and disgusting. With this about how thick of a layer should i use, this tank is basically going to revolve around the dogface, so whatever they would prefer is the answer im looking for. Also, would i be able to use any bigger snails or crabs that might stand a chance?
P.S. if anyone knows, do they prefer a lot of rockwork or maybe a little but with caves and such. thanks-


Active Member
rockwork will all depend on your other fish, but i would do moderate rockwork with nice caves and such and open swiming soace in front.
as far as sand beds its all opinion.. IMO i lik e a decently deep sandbed 3-4 inches, sand will get dirty unless you buy things to keep it clean i.e cleanup crew. since your puffer will eat them you can look into some sand sifting fish that can also keep it clean i.e sandsifting gobies
you want the DSB to break down some of your nitrates and for beneficial bacteria


Another idea is simply a shallow bed of crushed coral, 1" or less, just enough to cover the bottom in a pleasing manner. Vacuum it whenever you do a water change and this will get most of the gunk. Obviously if you have lots of rockwork your ease of cleaning or efficiency of cleaning will be compromised.


what about inverts though if i have another 3" asndbed. what kind of crabs can i use. or anything else thats big and cleans sand.


Thats the problem, a puffer will eat ANYTHING that it finds. Ive had luck with nassarius snails and brittle stars, but expect to replace them here and there. Any crabs will certainly be eaten and sea cucumbers are a poor choice because when attacked they can release toxins that you dont want in your tank.