Doh the Bounty hunter is arrested


Man this is nutz, has everyone heard about this?
For those of you who don't know, Dog, Tim and Dog's son Leland were arrested on Federal Kidnapping charges. They are wanted in Mexico for the alleged "kidnapping" of convicted serial rapist Andrew Luster. We think this is a bunch of crap, Dog and his team took a rapist off the streets and put him where he belongs, now, three years later Mexico wants to charge them for "kidnapping" a convicted rapist? We need to give Dog and his family our support during this rough time! We sure hope they gave him a cigarette when he was arrested!
Check out for more info & you can also sign a petition to free him & his team here:
I just thinks its crazy what about ya'll?? America should never extradite a citizen to another country. They don't do it for us. :mad: Three years ago this happened. He took a bad guy off the streets & is now getting in trouble for it. Let's go on ahead & seal off those borders.


Yeah I know that they shouldn't have gone into Mexico, that was illegal. But our country is extraditing a good man to a country that does not extradite criminals to anyone else??? That's crazy & they said this is only a misdemeanor.


Active Member
i will support him only if HE CUTS THE FREAKIN MULLET!!! cant stand his or his wifes hair... or their sons rat tail... appearently they dont know the 80's are over...


doesn't mean we can't bring the 80s back though. starting with Flock of Seagulls:
"i never met a gawl like eeeeyOHHH!! met a gawl like eeeeyOHHH!! and i raaaannn. i ran so far aWAYYY..."
cmon, everybody now!!!


Active Member
alright T... you go get your parachute pants on and your jacket with 100 zipper pockets on... fire up the karaoke machine... I will bring an 18 pack... ***)
ohhh and the pointing and laughing is all in jest man... we will be laughing with you not at you...