Dolly the Carnivore


New Member
I have a Pacific blue tang that my wife named Dolly. She is doing very well but she refuses to eat her veggies. I put seaweed sheets on a lettuce clip 2-3 times a week but she won't touch them. My banded goby does though. :notsure: Occasionally she will nip at a piece the goby has ripped off but for the most part she could care less. She has a ferocious appetite for mysis and brine shrimp, so I’m not too worried. I have read that it may take a week or two for tangs to start eating veggies, but it has been just over a month now. If she continues being carnivorous, will this have a negative affect on her later? Should I try soaking the seaweed in garlic? Anyone have any experience with this issue? Thanks in advance.


usually they will start eating within a few weeks. i have had this problem, but i had a fish that attacked the seaweed and after about a week mine started doing the same thing. once they get a taste for it they don't stop eating it. garlic may help as well. you could also try feeding ocean nutrition formula 2


New Member
Actually, I have started supplementing Formula Two when I first noticed who was really eating off the veggie clip. Silly goby. She will go after it ferociously as well. She is honestly eating better then any of my fishes. She just doesn’t want food connected to a clip.



Active Member
Originally Posted by CuBB
Actually, I have started supplementing Formula Two when I first noticed who was really eating off the veggie clip. Silly goby. She will go after it ferociously as well. She is honestly eating better then any of my fishes. She just doesn’t want food connected to a clip.

try to soak your lettuce in garlic. that will entice her to eat it....formula 2 is now made with garlic, my local ***** has it, no one else does they still have the old 2