

but anyway back to the dolphin, uhh its a mammal not a fish, i'm sure its impossible to own one unless you buy an ocean or sea world or some such, i can see why you would want one though, they sure are tastey, yumm yumm... good eatin for weeks


Active Member
a little bit of reseach will reveal that
mahi mahi
dolphin (both afish and a mammal are named dolphin)
all three are the same species of fish, and are very beautiful, lots of greens and turquoise and yellows, there are 2 main species and are the only fish found in all of the worlds salt waters(except the polars), the fastest growing fish in the oceans, adn is one of the most sought after game fishes, this is what he was talking about, they get up to 50 lb in a couple of years, and rarely live past 4 yrs in the wild, tracking them is almost impossible so research is so limited, because they are often caught or die before they cna be researched for thier tags that we use, but one thing we do know is their growht rate and the fact that we have tagged them off the keys and caught the tagged fish weeks or months later off maine
they are a fish, and are very tastey, any doubts, go to red lobster and order mahi mahi(the name varies by location, and the atlantic fisher men callll them dolphin), the columbian dorado and the polynesian(and caliifornia, got from hawaii) call them mahi mahi


Dolphins are mammels MORONS . You have to have a liscens to keep them!
Oh yeah, ever here of the mini-dolphin. 5 inches long! NOT <img src="graemlins//mischievous.gif" border="0" alt="[Mischievous]" />


Active Member
HEY MORON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<a href="" target="_blank">web page</a>
Guys relax, you guys are both right in your own ways, its a misunderstanding. There is a mammal that is a dolphin, and a fish called a dolphin fish, mahi-mahi or dorado. They are 2 seperate things, and you could not keep the fish version in a tank unless you owned the monterey aquarium.


Active Member
deuce , i do know about both, in fact if you look above, i commented earlier on the mamml, then someone else asked a legit question about he fish, and specified the fish,
later to have someone call me a moron, and then try to straighten me out, by saying that they have no idea at all what they are saying, i do know getting a dolphin the mamal is illegal( read my above post), and do know alot about sportfishing, and right after i just got done explaining it to another individusl, i am sorry, but
it pisses me off ot be called a moron by someone who thinks they knwo what they say but has no idea whether or not they are even right, if they did, they would have at least looked it up(after i posted such a clear note that they do exist), i have caught dolphin, i have swimmed with dolphins(mammals in the wild, in mexico), i do greatly know the differenc between the 2, and i also knwo that the one i get on my plate is not the mammal, and that is just to start
you have seen my posts enough to know that i am not a moron, and that i do not get pissed so easy, but thatt was uncalled for, and blj is not right!! AT ALL
if so, they would not have said that "it is NOT a fish", to say so is to say it is not a fish, i never said it was not a mammal, i said both, in different posts, i just replied to another trying to help clear fog, just before getting slammed
oh yeah, to call others a moron based upon one's own lack of knowledge(or ignorance) only demonstrates a rectal cranium infraction(i think that is what they callled it)


New Member
Your new so I'll be nice. Let me ask you this, what kind of fish do you have? Tangs? Triggers? Blah Blah Blah? Do you think they only cover 8-20 SF in the wild? NO probably not. So aren't you mistreating your fish? There is no way that your tank is large enough to simulate your fishes territory in the wild!! You animal abuser you! Shame Shame. Go hug a tree.
I dont like trees cause they dont hug back? I dont know if your into the whole tree hugging thing or whatever man but thats not my thing.... lol
I am into letting you know I dont have any fish.
I think its funny that you asume too much though.
Asumptions will get you into trouble, just like you assume that the shark is happy just because its eating to stay alive in its "little" Water hell hole.
Someone also stated that the only reason sharks move is for food, did you ever think that this is part of the natural cycle? Or I could possibly say that they are smart because they know that their food supply has run out, thus they must move to a different region. Therefore they are more intelligent than you are giving them credit for. What if I put you in your bedroom and gave you food when you needed it? SOME people would eat it to stay alive and some would get too sad to eat it JUST like sharks ... it DOES depend on the shark just like my previous example of the people. They might eat because thats just the way that one particular one is in that case, but in no means is happy, If you are smart enough to argue my points about this then you are knowledgable about sharks therefore you should not argue my point... thank you!


Well, I guess we shouldn't keep any fish then. Or any pets that are caged for that matter.
Just when I thought my animals enjoyed the constant supply of food, excellent care, and lack of predators. Oh well.
If you'd like, I'll send you one of my personal favorite trees to sit next to your tank with no fish! But then the poor tree, it'd be in a little room of hell.
I just cant win.


This thread is getting pointless. Bottlenosed dolphins and Porpoises are mammels and can be legally kept as pets in some areas of the US. They have to be licensed and live in a home suitable for their lifestyle. You would need at least a tank of 150,000 gallons as well as a place to house them if they are ill.
Quit bickering about it.


There is a fresh water dolphin that is suitable for a home tank. A friend of mine has one in a 100 ga, with a small ray. I have pic's. As soon as I figure out how to post them I will.


I'd be interested in seeing those pics of the freshwater dolphins. If you cant post them, can you send them via email? I've never seen them, and Im interested in learning more about them.


Active Member
sorry risc,
but when someone had asked a legit question about the fish(specified as the fish) dolphin, an d i answered i did not appreciate being called a moron, you are right it is senseless, and i appologize to all, but i thought it was a legit question and i tried to explain reasonably and clearly, only to be called a moron for knowing what i was talking about(apparently by someone who didn't), as i stated, i have caught them and know others who have and am sure someone on this board probably has as well, in fact i even offered enough info for anyone to check into, if they had any doubts, like other common names used
in fact, i would not doubt it if you knew what species i was refering to, they are not a rare species at all, but i do admit many people do not know about them, still there is no reason to call us morons for legitimaltely answering others who wanted to know
again, sorry to all those reading who may have not appreciated my retaliation( i try real hard and will continue to try hard to be clear an dnot upset the other members and newcomers) <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" /> :cool:


I'm not ragging on anyone or trying to start problems... I understand your arguements may be legitimate... but you can only drag something so far. A Dolphin is a fish a.k.a. Mahi Mahi among other things.... no one can honestly know WHAT exactly you are talking about when you referred to it because of the multiple names in existance. For the sake of dragging this on and on... please just let it go and let's get back to talking about other things. Otherwise I will have to remove the thread.
Sorry guys...


What is your Email address Novice150? I will send them to you. Or anybody elese for that matter.


<a href="" target="_blank"></a> :D :D :D