Domestic Violence in Maroon Clown Tank


New Member
My Pair of Maroon clownfish in a 29 gallon tank has recently had some problems. They are a mated pair, and they have spawned twice. But I have just noticed in the past 24 hrs. that the male has had his fins torn up and ripped, and he is just sitting and breathing rapidly on the Substrate. He is repsonsive to food but is staying away from the female's anemone.
Any advice?
I have a spare 10 gallon tank I could use as a hospital tank, or should I create a sectioned off portion of the 29?
btw. the one clown is 2.5 in. and the injured one is about 1.25 in.


New Member
The water Parameters are
Nitrate - 10
Ph. 8.4
Calcium - 440
dKh - 8
Phosphate - 0
Ammonia - 0
Nitrite - 0


That's strange... my maroon clowns never fought once they mated. She picked on him at first but after that they were a pretty nice couple. I say keep an eye on him. If it gets too bad, you might have to separate them.


New Member
No other fish besides a blue damsel that I took out 3 weeks ago. Its just the two clowns, a rose anemone, and a hammer coral now. There are about 50 pounds of LR.


Maybe he cheated on her and she got upset?
Or he was watching fishy p0rn?