Domino Damsel and Trigger


New Member
Can these coexist? I plan on puttin gthe Damsel in first and then adding a Picasso Trigger at some later point.


I'm not so sure- it depends on the size of the Trigger and the Damsel. I had to remove a damsel from my tank because he was beating up my three inch Clown Trigger. But its only a matter of time: when the trigger grows large enough he will probably kill the damsel. Don't under-estimate the aggressiveness of damsels...they are REALLY mean.


one the flip side of the coin...
dominoes are extremely agressive, mine is nearly 4 inches round and competes with two tangs only a little larger than he.
i don't know if your setup could last forever...need more specifics about tank size, but if you get a juvi trigger and have the domino in first plus have a roomy tank, you should be fine.
i'm pretty confident that after watching my domino for 3 years now master the tank, he would not let any fish sneak up on him for lunch!


Unless the domino damsel is 3 or 4 inches in length and established in the tank, s/he is dust. It is just a matter of time. Picasso's can be very very nasty and unpredictable. Trust me...


Active Member
We have a Domano damsel in with our Huma Huma and Niger Trigger and they don't seem to notice each other, our damsel is the size of a half dollar and our huma is maybe just a little bigger. I think the damsel is more aggresive then the huma. I'd say depending on the size it would be ok. Lisa


New Member
I had(I say had because I sent him back to the LFS)a Hawiian damsel,orange with blue spot that grew to 3 1/2" and very aggressive. He tomented my white tailed trigger (3")along with the other damsels. The only one he didn't bother is my lunar wrasse.
there might be a chance they can coexist. depends on the agressiveness of the trigger. dominos are very aggressive. most damsels are aggressive and can stress newly introduced fish.


I have 2 three stripe damsels in with a juvenile niger all in a 40 gallon. The only fighting goes on between the two damsels but they are well aware of the trigger's superiority in the tank. At first one damsel fought with the trigger but as things calmed down, everything has flattened out and everyone tends to themselves. It really all depends on the fish. Good Luck!