Domino Damsel in Anemone


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
Exactly! Size is no issue to these guys. They can be quite nasty.
Oh ya.. I've said before. I had a barracuda shadow me for an entire dive off of Bonaire. It literally cruised 2 feet off of my tank with me for 30+ minutes. Still, the only fish I've ever been bitten by is a Damsel...
I think the real difference between Clowns and Damsels "hosting" is that Clowns typically claim a much smaller area. Damsels are just wired to be more aggressive to protect their corals from marauding schools of Parrotfish and Butterflies.


Active Member
In Daphne Fautin and Gerald Allen's book, 'Anemone Fishes', they claim that host species for the Domino Damsel are the following:
E. quadricolor, H. aurora, H. crispa, H. magnifica, M. doreensis, S. gigantea, S. haddoni, and S. mertensii.
I have heard that they prefer the carpet anemones if available, but my old damsel used to host a BTA and I've never tried one with a carpet.


New Member
My domino only wanted it as territory. As soon as I introduced the anemone he claimedit and would not allow the clownfish near it. Everytime he though one of the other fish was going in that direction he would zoom over there and get in the anemone. He was something else. He certainly wasn't bothered by the anemone. Those pictures of the domino damsels in the ocean were cool. Thanks for posting those.