Domino Damsel - love em or hate em?



How many of you have this belligerent fish? I love mine, and he is a favorite of friends that come over. There is something very attractive about the black color and the white marks.
How many have had problems in their reef because of this little terror? If so, did you trade it or keep it? ;)
what else I have:
Royal Gramma
2 Perc Clowns
Six Line Wrasse
Yellow Tang
Powder Blue Tang
Domino Damsel
3 Blue Damsels
2 Three Line Damsels
Lawn Mower Blenny


New Member
Mine actually nipped the fins of my other fish! He was a fish eating fish! After about an hour chasing him with a net-I finally got him back to my lfs.

sinner's girl

I liked damsels...the black ones lose thier color when they get older...look ugly imo.


we have 1 that was given to us after that person's tank had cycled along w/ a 3 stripe...the 3 stripe used to chase it around for fun, but do you know how LARGE the domino damsel gets??? WOW, saw near full-sized ones at a great LFS that caters to the $$$ folks mostly...ours isabout 1/2 adult size now & will get in scruffles sometimes...but msot of the others put it in it's place...messes w/ the lawnmower bleeny & it ends up w/ a "blenny kiss" on it's side...hasn't done it sense, he's got character & is pretty neat to look at, even when it fades more, it may still have good markage though..have never seen it disturb any coral or's fun to listen to the 2 damsels croak for whatever reason or sometimes even the blenny will make a croaking noise...& for some reason it's 1 of the easiest to catch


Yeah, I saw a 4" domino at the Boston Aquarium this last week while I was visiting! They also had a 20" Niger Trigger and 18" Sohal Tang. Anyway, I think they look good when they are small, so when he fades I'll prob trade in for another. I just think they look cool. <img src="graemlins//mischievous.gif" border="0" alt="[Mischievous]" />


have you swung by AQUARIUM WORLD yet...they have small school of them swimming in thier figer glass open reef floor set up...


My damsel is five inches of trouble. He doesn't bother my crabs. But he bothers my other fish but they can handle him.

rto 29

It is amazing how well behaved my yellow, three stripe and blue damsel behave now that I threw them in with my 10" banana wrasse and 7" harlequin tuskfish, they are too fast for my big guys to catch, but they sure don't cause any trouble anymore!


Active Member
I like them in their own tank :D I wouldnt put em in with any other fish. But thats me, they are quite cool looking, I had 2 in a 55 gal. until they got too big and mean to put anything else in.

nm reef

Active Member
I have one thats over a yr with me now. Cycled my reef with him. Then went thru hell getting him out. He now lives in my damsel detention center....along with a huma huma and a dwarf longer a problem!!! He is close to 3" and still has a dark black color with the spots. Very kewl fish and hope he stays awhile longer.....but they can be pestd with some fish. Very territorial and aggressive. Mine is rather calm with his current tank mates......sort of knows his place...*_^


I like them, although I do not have any of them in my tank. I cycle my 75 G tank with damsels. I have a adult domino damsel that turn to yellowist in the bottom of his body untill I give him away to my friend "Damsel Collector".


New Member
I have 5 Damsel's one of them being a Domino. He is KING of the tank. He allows the cleaner Wrasse to clean him but he will also chase him, then go right back to wanting to be groomed. He also likes to play with the Lion fish. He will literally sit on top of the lion. It looks as though he likes the fins to rub on him. The Lion dosen't seem to mind. I don't know if it's the Domino's way of being dominate to the Lion or that he likes a little massage from the fins. He is a hoot to watch. <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />


It is amazing how each one of these beautiful fish have their own personality???
My dominos are a riot, they line up for my neon to clean, then go to the cleaner shrimp...If I put my hands in the tank, they come right over, probably cause they think they're gonna get food, piggys they are!!! but I LOVE mine...wouldnt tradem for nothing..


both ganged up and killed 3 fish. they ended up dying when my ammonia went up to 4ppm. to correct the color loss, give it a diet rich in vitamin D!!!