Domino Damsel


New Member
Hey Everyone,
I have a question about my domino damsel. I started out with a domino damsel and a couple java damsels to help with my tank cycle. The java damsels died but the domino made it. I decided to upgrade to a 125 gallon tank which I did, after I got that one going I added a yellow tang and a blue hippo. The domino would not leave them alone, the yellow tang hid for days under and behind rock. I decided to take the damsel out and put him in my QT. I really like him and he seems miserable in there. I've had him in for about 4 months now. My question is: If I were to put him back into the tank with the tangs, would he leave them alone since they seem to be pretty territorial also?


Maybe - it's somewhat of a toss up. Because you took him out, the other fish have adapted to their territories, so when you put him back in, he doesn't have any established territory so he shouldn't really be a bugger anymore. But like I said, it's a toss-up. Be prepared to get flamed for using fish during a cycle. I have done it before as well, so I won't cast any stones - but be prepared. LoL... :D


Active Member
NO. I had a domino damsel name ... (not site appropriate). He killed a copperbanded butterfly in 1 hour. He just kept biting her until she died. I flushed him, because no LFS would take him back. Most people would tell you how terrible that is, but if I would stick my hand in the tank he would bite me. SInce no one would take him, and I had no where else to put him, i had to flush him. Anyways... domino damsels are one of the MOST AGGRESSIVE damsels. If you want to give it a try, and see if the tangs fight back, then you could try that. WOuld you rather loss a $3.99 damsel, or 2 $30-50 tangs? I would try to take the damsel back. He will not stop picking on the fish, until he, or they die. I would recommend tanking it back. This is just from my personal experience. Hippo tangs are not very aggressive. If my hipppo were in a tank with my ex-damsel, it would have been fish food in less then a day. I would think hard if you want to put the damsel back into the tank. Like I said I had a BAD experience, and mine was with a butterfly which is non-aggressive. You can try it if you want, but I wouldn't.


Active Member
I have 2 neon damnsels that are fixin to get the jacuzzi ride. Descriptions say reef safe, but they can't read. They are biting the polyps off of my xenia.


New Member
Thanks Guys!
I guess I will keep the guy in my QT or take him back to the store. It took days to catch him the first time, I've added a lot more LR since then so I probably would never catch him again in the larger tank. I really do like the fish but he is an agressive little sucker. I think he would eat me if he could. Good point about losing a $4 fish vs. a $50 fish.
Thanks Again