Domino Damsels


My wife and I have an aquapod that's 18 days old now.

She really would like to have a domino damsel. our current stock list is.
3 scarlet hermits,
3 blue legged hermits
5 turbo astrea snails
5 mexican turbo grazer snails
1 emerald crab
1 yellow watchman in QT@LFS
1 diamond gobie in QT@ LFS
1 fire shrimp on hold @ LFS
We are running the pc lights with 25lbs of LR and 25lbs of LS
Any suggestions on the damsel and what other fish and or corals we might be able to stock.


Active Member
domino damsels are some of the most agressive damsels they are. imo dont get one. if you look in the "worst things youve put in your tank" post, probably half of them are damsels. they are cool looking but your better off looking for something else. if i were you, why no clowns? everyone loves clowns!


I want Perculas but she wants a domino. With your help looks like I might get my way. Just have to be careful, because we all know if Momma ain't happy, NOBODY'S happy


I have personally had some. Even though the last through the roughest of rough they are mean little buggers. If you get more than one the bigger one will usually nip and harass the other. I only had two of them in one tank. I cant imagine what they would be like with other species. If I were you I would get the perculas. SORRY wife, husband wins this debate.


Thanks folks! she has gave up the fight.the thread (about the worst thing) and the advice convinced her we could do better.