Domino Damsels

s.a. boy

I know that alot of you people warned me about this (But no I didn't listen)
My 3 domino's have become highly terrotorial. Yesterday I bought a fire gobie and a coral beauty. My Coral Beauty is doing fine as he is as big as the lagerest damsel so he has managed to fight for him self on the other hand the little fire goby got harasted by all three damsels :confused:. he has now go into hiding I hope he is O.K. I can't find him any where. Should I get rid of the damsels or should I just seperate them from the tank until the goby is comfortable?
A very worried reef keeper
Excuse me while I shout.
Just to show you what mine did - I bought a beautiful elegance coral. 8 mouths on this pretty thing. My two dominos decided it was shmorgasbourd time, and devoured my 100 dollar coral in 2 hrs.
These are the absolute worse damsels that have ever been created.


I would get rid of them but, if you've gotten attached to them you could put them in a 30 gal or something and let them quarrel amongst themselves! good Luck!


The firefish or the damsels will have to go. If you are attached to the damsels, remove the firefish and from now on, any other fish you want to put in the tank will have to be just as aggressive (or more so) than the damsels. It is also a really good idea to redecorate the tank when you introduce a new fish. It will help to throw the resident fish off balance. Well, at least for a little while!
I have a pair of dominos in my 90g and I really do like them. I realize that they are mean, but that is just their nature. My yellow tang seems to keep them in line though, and of course they don't mess with the lionfish at all!;)

s.a. boy

:D HAHA they fire gody LIVES!!!!!!!!! I found him last night while I was feeding. He came out of no where and looks great
****Goby Thinking ***** : Those dam damsels they though they had the better of me I'll show them!!!!!:cool: