Domino Problem?


I took ya'lls advice and just got one domino damsel and a 2 stripe. But now they're acting funny... They were perfectly fine yesturday and zipping all around after I accumilated them. Now the domino is bobbing around the bottom and staying over in a corner I even think I saw her on her side once. The 3 stripe's perfectly fine zipping around all day. I did a test and like usual the nitrates went up some from adding fish. I did a 10% water change. But now the 3stripe is picking on the domino and forcing her out of her corner and making her swim around. What's going on w/ these fish? I'll retest and post the results... Any advice... and last night the domino had a white string hanging on her just a cob web but she looks fine now


Alright levels are temp 80, Ph 8.2, Ammonia .25 not really but not exactly 0, Nitrite .25, Nitrate 10, Salinity 1.023


Active Member
Could be your water but I think its just that those two fish should not be mixed in such a small tank. Two meanies together only get you fighting. Best to take one or both back. I dont recall you saying you had a 3 stripe when you asked about the DD. The 3 Stripes are just as mean as DDs are, so up to you now.


I got them both together and all of the stripes and domino were fine towards eachother. They were great yesturday... I thought they'd b fine everytime I've seen them they are great schooling fish so I thought it'd be fine. It looks like the fish is just having probs or something. I'll keep ya'll updated