

Hey all,
I'm just beginning to convert my UGF to a DSB. I need some live sand to fertilize and seed my play sand. It would be great if anyone could contribute to my tank by sending me some seeded live sand. You can just send it in like a old chinese food plastic container or something. Any help would be great. Thanks.
Email me at if you think you might be able to help me out. :) :D


Active Member
go to your LFS and ask for a cup full. That might be your best bet.
Tell them what your doing and they may want to help. Offer a couple $$


Hmm... well Nikki, let's hope someone on this board knows how to ship live sand. I guess there is always the option of putting it in one of those ziploc freezer bags.. then putting a little bit of water in that, taping it shut, and putting it in a manila folder to send me.
Any other thoughts?


Active Member
My one friend works for the post office, I can ask her tomorrow how she would do it. I would think it would have to stay very wet, so it would not "die". If you come up with anything, let me know. I also sent you mail, so you can write back to that email address if you want.


Active Member
I've received live sand from a board member that lives across the country from me. He puts it very wet in a ziploc bag, inside another ziploc bag, packs paper around it and mails it regular mail. It works fine. I wouldn't do it if the weather gets too cold though.


Active Member
Wrassecal, thanks for the idea. I will try that if you say it worked for you. Its cold here, but not that cold, so I think it will be ok. About how much did you get, and what was the shipping, if you don't mind? And how much is a good amount to seed her tank?


Aight well I still have UGF as of now on my 38 gallon tank. How much cheap base sand should I get vs. how much live sand should i get? How do I go about setting it up and what kind of maintenance does a LSB require?
If I can't get the base sand in the next day or two, then thanks anways for the offers to send me some live sand. I will probably ask again, but hopefully I will be able to go to the local hardware store and find some of the play sand stuff? what kind is the best?


Active Member
Sorry, I can't answer your questions, but my offer still stands whenever you get your base sand. I sent you email form my aol account, just email me when you get your base sand.



Originally posted by tarhull87
Aight well I still have UGF as of now on my 38 gallon tank. How much cheap base sand should I get vs. how much live sand should i get? How do I go about setting it up and what kind of maintenance does a LSB require?

Anyone know the answers?


this had alot of post a few weeks ago, do a search in New hobbist for southtown sand look for one with like 46 post in there is a pic of what you are looking for, there has been a name change, and it isn't the 50# $2 stuff more like $5 a bag. I think it has to say carribian sand, otherwise its made from silicate, also sand needs to look like dirty white sugar not gray like used in cement. I'm new here but thats the info I picked up when I was searching. Hope that helps.


Active Member
For a thirty gallon tank, I would get about 50-60lbs of dead aragonite based sand. Southdown or play castle, whatever it is now, then seed it with some LS.
I have a 20 gallon and I put 30lbs of sand in it. Nice coverage and about 3 inches deep up to four in some spots.
For shipping, exactly as wrassecal said. Double ziplocked, wrapped in paper towl, put into another plastic bag, stuffed into a little box with packing material around the outside. Its a tough call as the weather is getting much colder now. Some LFS sell heat packs.
One thing to keep in mind that after the shipping costs, it will be cheaper to buy a pound or two from the LFS. Mine sells it for $3 a pound or 50 cents for a cup. Shipping will be at least 6 bucks.


Active Member

Originally posted by DevilBoy
imo, i would get rid of the UGF if ur going with a sand bed

Pretty sure that's the point of the whole thread . . . .:rolleyes:


Active Member
I am just assuming that for a tank double the size of mine basically to use double the amount of sand. However, I dont know the footprint of your tank so I could be off a little. Do a search on google for "sand bed calculator" I know there is one out there, its what I used, but I cant link to it because its on the "other" BB . . . . know what i mean vern? (ernest was great wasn't he?)


By the way Nikki that was very nice of you to offer to help Tarhull!!!!!!


Active Member
I have to chime in my $0.02. I tried sending out some frag samples with the doubel bagging method. Non of them made it. One guy said that nothing lived, another was crushed by Fed-Ex, one was chopped up by the landscapers while it was on the parch and the last one was sent to the wrong address. Well that last one would be my fault. I sent out replacement shipments in little plastic conatiners with screw top lids. All shipments arrived OK.
I sent my brother some LS in a hard plastic conatiner and it arrived OK. The containers are ususally pretty cheap. Especially the first round that I got from free from work.
The choice is yours, just telling you what happened to me.
T87, what some people suggest is to get some of the "stuff" from the bottom of the container that your lfs uses to store their live rock in.