Don't add unquarantined fish to DT


I learned this lesson the hard way a few years back when I lost 13 out of 15 fish from marine velvet. Now I have 3 seperate qt's for both displays.


I too have two QT's. It just isn't worth the risk. Parasites can come in on more than just fish. Not everyone is aware of that. They can only host fish, but they can come in on rock and inverts as well. QT everything!!!


Active Member
Good advice, but I think this is one of those "hard-headed", "it wouldn't happen to me" kind of lesson that we all end up learning the hard way. But it usually doesn't take long (especially when your wallet runs dry) to figure out that you had better learn what a QT is.


I could guarantee you that that Powder Blue is 100% ICH free but that still doesn't protect you if the fish is swimming in water containing free swimming trophonts. If you're buying something out of an establish tank which has had no new fish added in many months (my favorite way to buy) you're safest. I came VERY close to buying a large Blue Hippo (the fish was in a bag) when the seller mentioned with pride his brand new Sunset Monti he'd just acquired. A red flag just went up in my brain and I asked if I could pay for the fish but allow it to wait out the quarantine period in his tank. I got my money back when he had an outbreak in his tank, killing his Hippo.
ANYTHING WET is a potential harbinger of evil.


Originally Posted by otley 1975
It would be nice but I don't have the room or the support from the wife.
I didn't have the support either at first. Then when the hubby and the kids got all attached to a fish and it develops ick, then gives it to all the other tank mates, they change their mind real quick. You look in on your poor little babies and they are scratching all over everything and you can't give them any relief.
I think the hardest part about QT is people not knowing how easy "and cheap" it really is...
20 gallon tank= 28 bucks
heater and PH., not sure what those cost as somebody will always give ph's away.
That's it.


OH!! And flukes!
I had 2 bouts of those! Both wrasses. If THOSE got out in my tank it would take being fishless for 6 months to eliminate.
They aren't supposed to be deadly, but both my fish died as a result of them.


we are going to be guilty of this tonight. our qt tank is at a friend's house right now and we are picking up a purple firefish that a fellow reefer's had in his tank for the past year. this firefish isn't a jumper, but a rock darter, which is why we feel safe getting him even though our tank won't have a cover on during the 2 warm summer months we get. we already saw the fish and the tank he's in and asked questions. we'll be bringing him home in an hour or so and will just acclimate before adding him to the dt. *crosses fingers*
My wife & I got the 92 corner DT from our lfs that was closing. It had a black & white clown. We added a powder brown, kole, engineer goby, and flame hawkfish (not all at the same time). Suddenly, the kole was scratching and we did not have a QT. By the time we got a QT and set it up using water from our 65, the clown was gone. We began hypoing the QT, only the flame hawk survived.
We now have 3 QTs - 1 for fish, 1 for corals/inverts (and fraggin), and a 5g for emergencies.
Thanks to all of you that helped my wife when all of this started. Your knowledge and willingness to help is the only reason we were able to keep the flame hawk alive.