i know another mixing angel question....please dont shoot!
i have a flameangel and would like to get a coral beauty!!!! i had the hardest time deciding between the two and eventually chose the flame. now i wnat both! im thinking.........they have tottaly opposite colors........the cb is more rectangular and the flame more circlish ( i know, its not a word!) and well......the flame goes more into the rocks and the bottom of the tank while the coral likes to swim more in the open. i have lots of nice caves built wwith lr. some peeps just throw in the rocks but i make a series of cave sysytems with mine. i have about 5 caves right now, the flame is living in one. i have a 45 gallon and the water has always been perect, i have two perc. clowns..getting a blue linkia star and hopefully in the future one more smalll fish to end off the tank. anyone had experience with flames and cb's together??? any opinion is good. even if you havent worked with these fish!
thanks alot!
sorry again.
your friend (lol),

i have a flameangel and would like to get a coral beauty!!!! i had the hardest time deciding between the two and eventually chose the flame. now i wnat both! im thinking.........they have tottaly opposite colors........the cb is more rectangular and the flame more circlish ( i know, its not a word!) and well......the flame goes more into the rocks and the bottom of the tank while the coral likes to swim more in the open. i have lots of nice caves built wwith lr. some peeps just throw in the rocks but i make a series of cave sysytems with mine. i have about 5 caves right now, the flame is living in one. i have a 45 gallon and the water has always been perect, i have two perc. clowns..getting a blue linkia star and hopefully in the future one more smalll fish to end off the tank. anyone had experience with flames and cb's together??? any opinion is good. even if you havent worked with these fish!
thanks alot!
sorry again.
your friend (lol),