Don't bite the hand that feeds you. Tell that to my puffer

I was cleaning the waste from the sand today when all of a sudden my 7inch Mappa Puffer shot from one side of the tank to where I was working. It took him about a mega-second to get there. He then took a bite of my hand between the thumb and my pointer(web).
When I reacted by pulling my hand out of the tank the puffer (Puff Daddy) was still attached until his body was half way out the water. Man, that was some experience.
My son told me to kill him, in a joking way. My wife who envys my tank quickly agreed. I explained to my son that we can't be angry at him for being what he is. That's an aggressive fish. I knew that when I brought him.
That's the first time that I have been bit. Me, the guy who raised three snakes and a baby aligator. Go figure!!!!!


I have been there myself...yikes! Only instead of a puffer it was my golden tail moray!! Holy Cow!! Talk about hurting!
I still have a scar on my middle finger to show my battle wounds. :eek:


goldfish you have a golden tail moray? Yow! That must of hurt. Geez puff daddy!a 7 in. mappa puffer with those teeth bight you. That must of hurt were you bleedin a lot.
Yes it scared me more than it hurt, because I always wondered how it felt to get bitten by him because of those sharp teeth of his. It was bleeding for awhile but I quickly cleaned the area. I took pictures of it, but I don't know how to upload the pictures onto this bb. No it didn't take a chunk out of my hand but it left his mark on each side of the web of my thumb and pointer fingers.


Active Member
I've never been bitten with anything with teeth(unless you count puppies), our Emporator angel sometime comes over when I'm feeding our sfe and nibbles on my hand, doesn't hurt, startles me mostly. Lisa


Blueberry. What fish do you have in your 200? All Iknow is that you have a huma, a chainlink, an dyour 2 snowflakes what else do you have? Puffdaddy, I can't wait till I see pics of your puffer. When are you getting pics?

big dave

I got bit in the palm by a Humu trigger when I was chasing him into a viewer container at work. He turned and charged my hand and bit me at the same time. Also, I was talking to a customer and had the tip of my finger in a tank just dabbling the water for some dumb reason. This little tiny snowflake eel in the tank thought my finger was a ghost shrimp and bit and hung on! It was funny bacause I jumped and the customer got all weired out by it. Oh well.


Heres a story about a guy at one of the lfs I got. My friend was with me, and he purchased a niger triggerfish. The guy, just put his hand in there grabbed the trigger with his bare hands. :eek: I thought he was crazy the trigger was 5 in. I though the thing would attack his hand so much. But the trigger just triggered itself in the guys hand. Pretty weird huh?
I have the pictures I don't know how to put them on here. I tried everyday for about a week then gave up. I'm going to try some more I'll let you guy know when.