dont do the blunder of tap water


tap water may be cheaper but in the long run its better to start your local grocery store they have ro water dispensers out side the store were you can fill up your containers for 25 to 35 cents a gallon..........why stress over your tank with brown algae from useing tap water and getting diatom explosions will be more work cleaning the glass and looking at your nice white sand turn to muck...... i bet every day when you wake up you will want to look at your tank and you just cleaned the glass only to find it has more brown junk on every thing start out right and use reverse osmosis water at your local grocery store/or your local fish store.


Active Member
That's what I did. Got a RO/DI unit for under $100 for a 125GPD. I like it so far. Should be a lot cheaper in the long run with a 90 gal tank.


Active Member
Or know what's in your tap water. I'm on a community well and got the report on the water. The only downside I can see is a little higher than needed calcium level, running about 600 ppm. Trace phosphates and Nitrates can only be detected using the "good" tests. Life sucks :D


so far i have changed up to 14 gallons of ro water in my 20 gallon long and what a difference i have no more brown algae on the sand or any thing as a matter of fact........ i noticed a big difference in only a week but it has been 20 days now and it was the best thing i ever did.


Active Member
me to please. The downside for me using store water is keeping it warm. If you can get it right from the tap, you can warm up what you have stored just by turning your tap on hot and adding that to your cold stored RO, no more heater in trash can, or at least you don't have to have it running all the time.


Originally Posted by airforceb2
Did that work for you guys? Anyone else want the link?
yes please thanks.
Also could I just start useing the ro water in my water changes so I don't stress out my inhabidents with all new water. Our should I do it all at one time?


Most 125 GPD RO units have only about 90% removal rate where most of the lower gpd units have a 98% rate.

bang guy

Originally Posted by Bacffin
Most 125 GPD RO units have only about 90% removal rate where most of the lower gpd units have a 98% rate.
I agree. The fastest RO you should get is a 75GPD IMO.