Dont know where to put this but.....(macros algaes)


Active Member
I would like some info on Mangroves. What do I need to feed them, will they just feed on the nitrates? Are they hard to care for? What are some excellent macros to put inside of a fuge? Thanks! And is there anything I need to feed the macros/plants?


Active Member
mangroves feed off polutant in the water.. how you grow them is, you have a peice of styrofoam and poke holes in them,then feed the plant through them ( of course the leaf stay about the water ) then u give them light.. as for care... you are sapose to get a rag/towle and whipe the leaves 1x a week.. saposingly the leaves gets covered by the polutants it eat thus you dont want the leaves to touch water or the polutants will seep back into the water.. i have no personal experiance with them but this is what i have read..


Originally Posted by Cartman101
So you put the styrofoam underneith the sand?

the styrofoam floats on top of the water. you cut notches in it to fit the stalk of the mangrove and place the mangrove so that about 75% of the stalk is underwater (including the roots obviously) and 25% is above. the leaves should be above the water at all times. the mangrove will then eventually extend itself downward to find something to root into but it is a slow process. hope this helps