Dont put 2 Puffers Together


Well I have a 30 gallon tank. 10lbs of live rock 2 in of sand. I have a valentini puffer thats about 1.5in and a six-line wrasse in there. I thought well wouldn't it be cool to have 2 puffers, oooooo yeah that'd be fun. So I go fish store see this beautiful figi blue spot puffer, cant pass it up. so I get home and well yeah I acclimate him and let him go. Everyone went to sleep alls fine. I wake up and the Valentini Puffers not out and about like usual my figi's just crusin around as if he was looking for something. Alright thats fine so I am looking around the tank and behind a piece of liverock in the back theres the little valentini puffer heavy breathing with 2-3 bite marks on him 1 of them goes into the flesh. So imdiately I net the valentini and put him in my breeder net. I am happy to say that he has made a practically full recovery in 2 days time although the wounds will take longer to heal I think he will make it just fine. I cant stress this enough 2 sharpnose puffers can be put together!
Darn i got a big problem i didd not check out the board before i took my angler back i just posted and looked at that not this well my problem is i have a 40 gallon 2 inch and i got rid of the angler and the pet store sold me a saddle puffer they said it would be fine they seem to be getting along ok they swim together and they also dont seem to be bothering or nipping at one another is there any chance this will work .


Active Member
Puffers are VERY tempremental. Some will live together. Some won't. It helps if they are juveniles, and grow up together. After that, it's a huge risk. Good luck with yours Picaso. :cool:


Yeah all in genes and the personality of your individual fish, something to watch out for definately, I hope it works for you, I have a 10 gallon tank that I am setting up for my vaalentini pufferfish, he will live there untill I can afford another tank, say a 55 or so.