Don't realy understand


I'm going to set up a 250-300 gallon tank w/ sharks. I'm planning on getting a wet/dry filter. But, what I don't get is that, do you need to buy a hose brings the water to and from the filter to the tank, or does it include something like that? Also, will I need to purchase an air pump for my wet/dry. Also, is there anything I need for my wet/dry filter? Only one more question, what would be a good protein skimmer for that size tank? Geez I feel stupid. :confused: jk :D


Most wet/dry's will come with everything you need. As far as skimmers do some research on them and get one that is for your size tank. If you are going to have a wet/dry you should be able to get a sump type skimmer. There is someone with the nickname of Risc in the fish only forum who is very knowledgeable about sharks. He might be able to help you more with your endeavor as well.

mr . salty

Active Member
The pump and size will depend on how many gallons per hour your wet/dry and overflow will be rated for.You should target at kleast 7-10 times the tanks capasity per hour.That is,,a 250 gallon tank would need at least 1750-2500 gph...I would reccomend looking for around 2000GPH...