Don't wanna overstock


New Member
ok so right now I have an 85gal tank with a grouper thats about 5 inches a lion fish about the same size and a humahuma trigger that about 2 inches and also a medium sized snowflake eel. I would like to add at least one more fish and was looking at a yellow tang or a potters angel Do younthink I have enough room and also any suggestions for fish would be great as well.


IMO, you're already overstocked and will eventually have issues between the trigger and the lion. They're known for nipping at the fins of lions. Rather than adding another fish, I'd look into getting a bigger tank or finding homes for these fish as they grow.


Well-Known Member
Overstocked....never had a predator tank. I do know that they get big though and imo ur tank wont grow as fast as the animals ;) ! I believe the volotion is the big lion if im not mistaken..u could always donate a couple back and get some more med sized fishys. The potters from wat ive been told are a very advanced aquarist fish! Sry to be the bearer of bad news...Welcome to the site though!

How big is a med snowflake btw?


Groups naturally eat lionfish in the wild. The group is very aggressive and will get meaner as they grow. The trigger can easily make a quick meal out of the lionfish. I highly suggest removing the lionfish, because it will probably be on the menu for at least one of your fish.