Active Member
UGGH...guys, I am so fed up. Some members on this board make second screen names just to be idiots on these boards. One thread was completely uncalled for that called the mods a bad name. Another was in Jr's "What should I be when I grow up" thread. He said he was a umm...well, something gross. Oh, and then this person made a thread in the aggressive forum and said, "bye ****, I am done on this screen name." IT DRIVES ME NUTS! Some people just have NO lives. It really is sad. Sorry guys, just needed to vent.
By the way, which ever mod deleted the post from this person in Jr's "What should I be when I grow up" thread....THANK YOU. I am so sorry for the crap that some people make you put up with.
By the way, which ever mod deleted the post from this person in Jr's "What should I be when I grow up" thread....THANK YOU. I am so sorry for the crap that some people make you put up with.