Don't you love that "New tank" look? Kinda like a "New car" smell.


Active Member
I've been through so many tanks in the last year. Went from a 14g biocube to a 28g CF-Quad to a 12g ViaAqua to a 10g AGA and as of tonight, I've got my fish in a 20g. There's something about that brand new clean look.
Just real quick, I want you to know I used all the same water/rock/sand so it's not like I'm putting my two clowns in danger. I've had fish come and go also. I was particularly proud of my 28g before I sold it. Just needed the cash. Ended up with the 10g because I didn't want to kill my two clowns and live rock just because it's inconvenient. Glad I didn't because look how beautiful it is now!


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
Nice tank...What are your plans for it?
What are my plans? I'm done with it! LOL
Actually, I may just add 1-2 more fish. I used to be a total coral freak, but it gets to be too hard to maintain with added equipment/calcium/dosing/target feeding/phosphates/etc etc etc. Part of me enjoys the simplicity of a FOWLR because it's much more manageable. You never really have to check the params again once it cycles... except maybe for SG (because of evaporation/salt creep) and just do a water change once a month with a vacuum.


i know what you mean. Mine is done cycling and I am so glad. My protein skimmer is finally dialed in also. Tank looks *sparkle* *sparkle*