Dos your fish eat out of your hand?

royal gang

Active Member
4 chromis ALL eat out of my hand... so... not too hard to catch if anyone wants all of them for $18.00, or one for $5.00 each.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ROYAL GANG
4 chromis ALL eat out of my hand... so... not too hard to catch if anyone wants all of them for $18.00, or one for $5.00 each.


Active Member
My niger trigger and coral banded shrimp eatout of my hand. way cool to show visitors.


Active Member
My fish are like freaked out by me and hide. They cautiously come out to feed. Hopefuly they'll get used to me soon.


Active Member
when do u tihnk its ok for fish to eat out of ur hand, my fish have only been in for a couple of days. BTW cool vid


Active Member
My GSM clown tends to come up and flick his tail at my hand until he knocks the food off, then all the others come to join in on the winnings... Its like a bunch of kids at a pinata.


my queen trigger did eat out of my hand, and then one day while using a nice shiny razor blade to get the algae off the glass, he latched on to my index finger. I lifted him 3 feet above the tank as I pulled my hand out, he let go and fell into the tank, I was lucky. I was lucky he was being gentle, they could take your finger off. I no longer hand feed triggerfish. I don't even hand feed the dog anymore cause of that!

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by bjoe23
when do u tihnk its ok for fish to eat out of ur hand, my fish have only been in for a couple of days. BTW cool vid


Active Member
probably would if i left my hand in the tank long enough. cause my false percs are either going for the food in the tank or fleshy part of my hand between the fingers when there isn't food in the tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by derekc
my yellow tanh eats right out of my domino damsel is getting pretty brave coming up to me till i move my hand..then hes gone...

My YT does. MAN, I wish my damsel would do that same! I've been trying to get rid of it for a month now! net, 2L bottle trick, and small fish hook all haven't worked!


my clownfish does and my cleaner shrip cleans my hand everyt time it is in the tank and now the flame angel and YT are starting eat the algea strip out of my hand when i put it on the clip lol


Sorry for the blurry pic, here are my baby clowns eating cyclopeeze off my finger about a week after I got them from Rod.


My fox face will eat out of my hand and let me pet him. Who says fish are not interactive! My cleaner shrimp will too and he will also clean my fingers.


New Member
my cleaner shrimp also cleans my fingernails. lol. the only fish i have that wont eat from my hand is the hippo tang, but ive only had him for about 3 weeks. Also, i noticed if i put my face or hand to the glass, they come looking for you like dogs.