I have a queen trigger. Mine is not the best example though i got pretty lucky so far. I didnt want one but it was given to me and the fish store wouldnt take it back so i kept it. It is only in a 50 gallon thats why i didnt want it not enough room in the tank for when it gets older. It is a bout 4 to 5 inches and is in there with a 2 inch niger trigger and a 3 inch valentini puffer. I thought he was gonna kill them but he never did although he did kill a saddle puffer. He is very laid back except when hes hungry or any of the other fish go in his are then he will chase them for alittle while trying to bite them there all just alot faster so he hasnt been succesful. But as i said i think hes just being nice and not eating them cause they were there first any fish i added after him has been killed immedialtly. including a blue damsel and a snowflake moray. Hope this info helps.