Dose this sound right?? (Lighting)


I have a 90 gallon deep tank, don't have exact measurments...
48” MH/VHO Retro-2 x 175w (Picture)
Includes reflector, 10K mh lamp, mh ballasts, VHO Ballast, VHO lamps, sockets, end caps. For 679.90
Dose this sound like a good price? Will this setup require a chiller? I'm looking to start with hardy species, although I want clams eventually....
Do I worry about True Actinics 03 on VHO's or just PC's??


Active Member
With the 90g your probably around 24"+- deep or so. Go with 250w MH!!
Do I worry about True Actinics 03 on VHO's or just PC's??

That's just on PCs.
Dose this sound like a good price? Will this setup require a chiller?

It's impossible to say for sure but many people get by w/o them.


thanks for the input, i was thinking of going with the 250es b/c of my deepth, but i'm afraid of the summer months...


Active Member
The 250's will not be a whole lot hotter than the 175's. For a 24" tank you really need the 250's.


Active Member
If you really want to get nice, got with a dual electronic ballast, 2 reef optix, or pfo double ended pendants, 20k bulbs w/o actinic supplements. W/o the actics it would be cooler etc, and alot more light. Or you could go with 10k de bulbs and vho actinics. I am just telling you this because I have upgraded and upgraded and it's cheaper to get the best at first, believe me. You could probably do this for around 550-600 bucks (the 20k hqi and pendants).


I price shopped building my own as opposed to buying a complete hood. Didn't see much price diff. The bulbs alone are $90 each!! Ballasts were $135 each, and that didn't include the VHO ballast.
But as previously stated, I would go with 250's too if I were you!